Githyanki Racial Feats

Blackhand Master:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race, 'Blade Hand of Gith' Alternate Racial Trait, Character level 11th   Effect: When you successfully strike a target who is flat-footed, unware of you, or in the surprise round for damage, they must make a Fortitude Save(DC based on your highest mental stat) or have their "light" stolen in an insidious curse known as "The Blackhand Curse" - while this curse is in effect, they are permanently blinded, cannot make stealth checks to hide, and must make a DC (15+ 1/2 their HD) Will Save or be unable to take violent actions for the first round of combats they enter. You may only have one creature cursed in this way at a time.   Special: You may curse an additional creature in this way at 14th, 17th, and 20th level.   An ability almost extinct in the modern day, the way of the Blackhand Master cannot be taught - it is an ability that can only be cultivated through extensive and extremely selective breeding over generations to produce a specific biological quirk that allows for a Githyanki to properly "affect" the lights of other beings. Feared but respected even by other Gith, these unseen masters of death serve the Narix'Ana exclusively, with no exceptions - even those who seemingly have no connection to the Narixian Leaders are in some way further their goals even if they have no knowledge of it.
Starcrusher's Veil:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race, 'Starcrusher's Cry' Alternate Racial Trait, Character level 5th   Effect: You gain a fly speed with good maneuverability equal to your base land speed, and become immune to any spell or effect that would hinder you by manipulating gravity. Any creature that attacks you while you are unaware of them or flat-footed must make a Fort Save(Int-Based) or be affected by a Gravity Well effect for 1d4 rounds.   Furthering their innate mastery over the forces of gravity and the freezing void of the Star Ocean, those incredibly rare Githyanki who chase the path of The Starcrusher are often dissuaded from the path, for it is neither an easy one nor a simple one - however, for those who endure and reclaim a shard of The Starcrusher's infinite cosmic power, they begin to display incredible abilities.
Starcrusher Avatar:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race, 'Starcrushers Veil' Racial Feat, Character level 17th   Effect: By concentrating for a full round, you can pull a celestial body out of the sky and replicate one of the following effects. Once used, this ability cannot be used again for an hour.  
  • Summon Asteroid: Channeling the infinite power of The Starcrusher, you bring forth one of the celestial sepulchres in which The Starcrusher's infinite power rests eternal, summoning an Aizskartz Asteroid that considers you an ally and will fight for you for a singular purpose or task - returning to its home in the Star Ocean once the task is done. You may not use Starcrusher Avatar again until the asteroid has departed or has died.
  • Starfall: All creatures and objects in a one mile radius must make a Reflex Save (DC Int-Based) or take 20d6 Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage, taking half on success. Evasion and Improved Evasion do not function against this ability. At the GM's discretion, this ability may only function during certain celestial events or when certain celestial bodies are close enough for you to "grab" - additionally, once 'pulled', the Star may fall unpredictably, allowing you to aim it only loosely.
  • Earthquake: You compact an orbiting Celestial Body and splinter it into a massive flechette cannon - sending shards of rock and burning star into the ground over a radius and replicating an earthquake at a point of your choosing with the exception of the area of the effect being 10x larger than normal.
  An ability attained only by one Githyanki in living memory, this level of mastery over the Fantastical Cosmic Power of the legendary Githyanki known only as The Starcrusher turns the body of those who reach this point into pulsing conduits of gravitic power - allowing them to pull entire stars out of the sky and send them crashing to earth, and even summon shards of the meteor that the Starcrusher once prevented from falling to the surface of Ea to aid them in battle.
Red Blade of Damocles:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race, 'Red Sun Mark' Alternate Racial Trait, CHaracter level 9th   Effect: The bonuses and penalties given by Red Sun Mark double. When the Red Sun Mark is consumed or expires naturally, it transforms into a looming blade that collapses down onto its target - entangling the target and dealing 2d10 magical slashing and piercing damage if it succeeds at a melee touch attack(Using your stats) and dealing 5 points of Godfire splash damage to all creatures within 10ft.   A terrible omen of destruction and oblivion, the Red Blade of Damocles is said to be a manifestation of the blasphemous weapon of a long-dead Godking who yet years to return to this plane of reality from his prison of unreality - forming his blade into realspace at the call of those who wield his baleful power to slaughter and destroy his enemies.
Blade Rush Devastation:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race, 'Blade Rush Blast' Racial Trait, Character level 7th   Effect: The distance you travel when using 'Blade Rush Blast' doubles to 60ft - however, while using the ability, you can continue on in a different straightline direction to the limit of the 60ft line each time you successfully hit an enemy. Additionally, the bonus to Attack and Damage each time an enemy in the line is hit from 'Blade Rush Blast' doubles to +2. You may travel to the end of the line when using Blade Rush Blast if you so choose.   A easy to practice and difficult to master enhancement to the Blade Rush Blast Technique, the Blade Rush Devastation is a technique that frequently sees use in the battlefields of Narixia in the hands of Veteran Githyanki Warriors.
Reaper's Edge:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race, 'Inescapable Blade' Racial Trait, Character level 15th   Effect: Once a day as a free action, you may attempt to slay a creature regardless of distance on whom you have placed a bloody mark with Inescapable Blade similar to Quivering Palm - if the creature fails a Fortitude Save(INT-Based), it dies. If the saving throw is successful, the target is no longer in danger from being slain by the mark placed upon it, though it may be affected again if the Githyanki in question puts another bloody mark upon them.   An incredible technique so rarely seen in the Githyanki of the modern day due to both the increasing rarity of living Githyanki and the extreme difficulty involved in learning it, the Reaper's Edge technique relies upon not only a complete and total mastery of one's own body but also the esoteric mechanics used in the Inescapable Blade that must be utilized to cause the bloody mark to grip the life essence of the target and kill it regardless of distance.
Ice Cold Killer:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race   Effect: You become immune to all emotion and fear effects, and may use intimidate to demoralize and all feats and class features that do similar effects(Such as Dazzling Display) as one action step lower than normal(Full Round -> Standard -> Move -> Swift -> Free).   Though less of a trained technique able to be learned and more a strange mental disorder present in a growing number of Githyanki, this ability is indicative of a deeper mental disorder that seems to almost entire remove a Githyanki's abilities to feel excitement or adrenaline at all - instead, the affected Githyanki seems to develop an almost sociopathic detachment as they seek out terror and gory executions; the only two instances where they seem to get their adrenaline pumping high enough to age at all.
Arcane Eliminator:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race, Character level 5th   Effect: As a swift action when you successfully strike an object or creature for damage with a melee or ranged weeapon, you may attempt a targeted dispel magic check against an effect you have identified or are aware of on your target - using your HD as the CL for the check. Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again for 1 minute while the magical energies rebuild themselves.   A technique which uses the strange astral nature of the Githyanki to channel raw arcane power into their weapon, this technique uses those energies to interfere with magical effects on struck objects or creatures and cause a catastrophic collapse of the spell or magical effect by flooding it with "junk energy".
Arcane Detonator:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race, 'Arcane Eliminator' Racial Feat, Character level 9th   Effect: While in possession of a magical weapon(On your person or in your hand, but not in an extradimensional space), you may choose to automatically destroy the weapon to automatically counterspell a spell being cast by a hostile creature so long as the total spell level is equal to or less than the Total Enchantment Bonus of the Magical Weapon being used x3. Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again for 1 minute while the magical energies rebuild themselves.   A rarely seen enhancement on the already fearsome "Arcane Eliminator" technique, the "Arcane Detonator" is a technique that was actually originally pioneered by the Narixian Witchkillers which later was learned by the Githyanki - who then remembered it across centuries long after the Witchkillers forgot about the technique and later re-introduced it to that very same organization centuries later. Regardless of its origins, it is a fearsome but expensive technique relied upon by Witchkiller and Githyanki Alike as an emergency fallback mechanism in the face of powerful spellcasters.
Racial Replication:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race   Effect: Pick one LA 0 or LA 1 race - you may take any single one of their base racial traits and add that racial trait to your own racial statblock and use it as if you were a member of that race.   Special: This feat cannot be taken through any effect that allows a creature to take an racial trait or racial feat from another race. It can only be taken by Githyanki.   A feat only possible thanks to the incredibly dedicated and timeless bodies of the Githyanki, the art of Racial Replication is a technique by which an enterprising Githyanki who, for one reason or another, becomes enamored or obsessed with the abilities of another race and wishes to find a way to learn their innate racial abilities to add to his or her own martial style, may do so by replicating what is normal an innate racial ability with raw talent and training. Poorly understood and somewhat secretive, this technique is nonetheless a powerful one in the right hands.
Autonomic Mastery:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race   Effect: Whenever you are the target of an attack or effect that allows you to either make a save or make an attack of opportunity(Such as trample), you may do both. Additionally, you are immune to the blinded and deafened conditions - you can only be blinded by being BOTH unable to see AND unable to hear; any effects that would simply remove one has no effect unless the other is also suppressed or the effect would target both senses.   Training their unconscious minds to the very breaking point, these Githyanki have forged their bodies into lethal weapons that respond to the threat of danger almost preternaturally - allowing them to move and act far before other beings can even send the proper signals to their nervous systems even when outside forces would shut down their visual or auditory senses.
Know Thy Enemy:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race, Character level 3rd   Effect: By succeeding on a sense motive check against another creature(DC 10 + target's HD + target's WISMOD) you can learn a general summation of that creature's battle abilities in broad strokes and typically battle tactics/morale(if a creature has magic and/or martial abilities, if they fight to the death, if they have unique or special abilities, boss actions, etc). Additionally, when you deal melee or ranged weapon damage to a creature you have studied in this way in the past hour, you may read their surface thoughts for free with no save.   A simple Githyanki Maxim taken to its logical extreme by the extreme disciplined and martial-focused Githyanki, this training regimen puts a given Githyanki through a grueling regimen focused on showing them the records of a thousand wars fought by a thousand Githyanki before them - familiarizing themselves with the tactics of enemies over a thousand years from every culture and species ever encountered by the Githyanki as a whole. If this training regimen takes hold properly, it produces a warrior who knows those he fights like the back of his own hand.
Know Thyself:   Prerequisites: Githyanki Race, 'Know Thy Enemy' Racial Feat, Character level 7th   Effect: You are always made aware of effects you fail or succeed a save against, changes done to your being without your knowledge(Such as modify memory), and the state of your being including any disease or illness you may be suffering from. Additionally, your CON is treated as 10 higher for determining your death threshold and you may add a metal or alignment component(Whichever it does not already possess) to any DR you possess OR you may select a resistance or immunity and have it apply to that true element as well.   A difficult to master extension of the already brutal training regimen of the 'Know Thy Enemy' maxim, the second part of the maxim 'and Know Thyself' represents a quantitative, almost transcendental understanding of one's own mortal existence - and as a result, they are able to push their bodies further than others who lack this understanding.


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