Elemental Focus, Light in Zheng-Kitar | World Anvil

Elemental Focus, Light

Edict: Pursue perfection knowing you will truly master nothing. Embody Warden and Judge in unsion - power is a gift not to the individual, but to the world. It is the responsibility of the individual to use that power to forge greatness. Destroy despair at every corner.   Bonus Feats: Disruptive, Spellbreaker, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus, Leadership, Intimidating Prowess   Spell-Like Ability: Identify  
Sight of Tryphosa: At 1st level, whenever a Sacrament Striker would hit a target with an attack, they may automatically learn a piece of information about them as if they had succeeded on their knowledge check to learn about them. Alternatively, they can choose to learn the name of either one of their strongest spells or a spell of their own creation, one spell currently in effect on their person, or one piece of information given by blood biography. A given creature can be affected by this ability once a round. At 5th level, the Striker can see targets they hit and learn information about in this way as if they possessed blindsense(120ft) for 1 round.   Quick Shift: At 3rd level, a Sacrament Striker can quickly react to danger when it finds an ally - as an immediate action, they can dimensionally swap places with an ally they can see within 30ft + 10ft/2HD they possess. They cannot swap places with an ally in a grapple, and cannot swap places if they or the ally are in an area barred from dimensional travel. At 7th level, you can swap places with an ally in a grapple. At 11th level, you can swap places with an ally so long as one of you is not in an area barred from dimensional travel.   Holy Chant: At 7th level, a Sacrament Striker can begin a holy chant as a standard action and maintain it each round afterwards as a free action. When the ability is started, the Striker chooses which kind of Chant they are performing chosen from the list below. This ability can be used for a number of rounds a day equal to the Sacrament Striker's HD.  
  • Sealing: A single creature that you can see has their movement speed halved for as long as you maintain the chant. If you maintain the chant as a movement action, you force them to make a Will Save(DC is Wisdom based) or have their speed drop to zero that round(Half speed on successful save). They may make this save each round you choose to maintain the chant as a move action.
  • Warding: A 5ft-radius sphere that functions as a wall of force is summoned into existence centered on you. It moves with you as you move, and drops when you stop maintaining the chant or when it is broken. Those forced to move either by being inside the bubble or pushed by the bubble do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. You cannot push creatures if they would be pushed into environmental hazards, or otherwise cannot move.
  • Biting: All hostile creatures within 20ft of you take 2d6 untyped damage whenever they take a hostile action against one of your allies. This does not trigger for hostile actions taken against you.
  • Soothing: All allied creatures within 15ft of you heal 2d6 points of damage at the start of their turn and gain +10ft to their movement speeds.
  Nemeniah's Spellgrinder: At 13th level, whenever a Sacrament Striker hits a creature that has an active spell effect on them with a melee attack, they can make a free dispel magic check as if they had cast dispel magic against an active spell effect on their person that the Striker is aware of - if this check is successful, they tear the effect off of them and apply it to themselves as if they were the original recipient, dealing damage to the target equal to double the spell effect's spell level. This ability is usable once every 1d4+1 rounds. A permanancied effect is no longer permanancied if applied to them and lasts for its normal duration.


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