What a Big Smile in Zennith | World Anvil
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What a Big Smile

The Kirin looked on as the people he was following found the secret set of stairs leading to the Duergar outpost. A silent cheer rose from within his chest but he suppressed any noise. He would wait for them to complete their task. At least he hoped they would complete their task. I mean what if they didn't? Had he followed and put his hope in the wrong group?

"Well it wouldn't be the first time would it?" a voice from within him spoke up.

"Be quiet you don't know anything."

"I am just saying, it could end up like all the other groups you've backed. Maybe you've backed the wrong horse," a small almost maniacal chuckle arose from his throat. Quickly silenced it and continued.

"That's not funny. They have to be the ones. If they aren't then I'll.... he'll be.... I mean what was I saying?"

"Having trouble remembering again? You are indeed going mad."

"Well it seems everyone is a bit mad down here. Its whatever's down there. They need to be the ones. I don't think we can survive another round."

"Well I'm still here for you."

"Yes thank you.... oh shut up and go away."

"Very well." With that the voice retreated, for now. The Kirin looked on as they began to stalk inside the outpost. They just have to make it. There is too much riding on it. With that he moved a bit closer keeping quietly to the outer parts of the wall, finding a good place to rest and hide.

by MidJourney

Cover image: by MidJourney


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Oct 25, 2023 04:26

Interesting little scene here. Definitely setting up something.

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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