Imaristin the Roiling Storm (Im-Mar-Iss-Tin)
There is a phenominon that happens every so often in the Taratic Ocean. A certain combination of weather along with arcane leylines being action will actually summon a storm elemental. Although this elemental is anything but ordniary. They have been called Imaristin the Roiling Storm. It was born of a tempest sorcerer who was attempting to summon a major elemental. He lost control of it and Imaristin was born. The name came from a combination of the God of Storms Imari and the name of the sorcerer who summoned it, Tristin. As time went on Imaristin grew larger and more powerful. They now inspire stories and warnings for those traveling that area. He has wrecked many ships and sent countless sailors to their death. In fact there is a saying the sailors have about them.
There upon the waves
Imaristin lies just below
Nothing here saves
As the ocean moves in flow
The lightning and the thunder
alert you to the start
That the sea will be much rougher
So hold on tight and take heart