Enchantite Material in Zeimia | World Anvil
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Enchantite is a magical substance that is jealousy guarded by the elves. While its origin is known only to them, it is known to have arcane properties including decreasing the time and cost of making magical items. While it can be found in different forms, most Enchantite is a powdery grey or black substance. Using detect magic can be used to easily identify Enchantite from other substances.


Material Characteristics

This material is usually a gray or black powder. When used to make magical items it is fused with the object and is no longer apparent.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Enchantite is warm to the touch and some have even been said to glow in darkness, but that is a very rare trait. It is not acidic nor flammable, but seems to radiate magical energy to those who know how to detect it.


This magical powder is used for crafting magical items. While not necessarily required to make magical items, it speeds up the process, avoids using rare components, and can increase the effectiveness and power of enchantments. It is also used to replace certain material components in spellcasting.

Geology & Geography

It is not common knowledge where this material comes from, but it seems to originate from Mélemardor.

Life & Expiration

Enchantite seems to keep its magical properties for a long time, however, it is tough to say is it is typically used before it is thought to be saved or hoarded.

History & Usage


It is not known who discovered Enchantite or how, but it is true that at around the time of its discovery, The Elven civilization grew tremendously above their peers.

Everyday use

Enchantite is used to enchant items and replace material components when spell casting.

Industrial Use

Many magical forges in El'vhen use this material to make items more efficiently and effectively.
Mélemardor rarely sells Enchantite, but that doesn't mean there isn't a market for it. This magical substance sells for around [500g] an ounce.
Enchantite is very rare and is jealously guarded by the elves of Mélemardor.
Enchantite tastes strongly of ash and chalk.
Gray or Black
Common State
Solid (Powder)

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