The Queen's Millionth Birthday Tradition / Ritual in Zee | World Anvil
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The Queen's Millionth Birthday

In the Kingdom of the Rising Sun, lives an immortal queen in a mortal world, who rules over her hive-minded people. Tall and thin with hollow bones, rhomboids with multiple stomachs who can only digest pine needles, her winged, clawed footed people obey her every command. Some do it out of love or respect, but all do it because they have no choice.   Her tail filled with a venom she stings every subject with. One sting, and the venom will make you live exactly 200 years. One sting and your skin become tough, too tough to pierce with any object, except by magical means. The queen's subjects, they never bleed. The only price you pay is the inability to ever do something against the queen's direct command.   Maybe you rob your neighbor and your neighbor tells the queen, if you are summoned to speak with her you must go, you have no choice and if she asks you do tell her what you did, you will confess your crimes, you have no choice. She is a forgiving queen and often times lets people off with a warning and a command to right their wrongs. You will also be commanded never to do what you did wrong again, and you will be unable to.   The crime rate in this city is impressivley low. If you do cause the queen trouble more then once, you will be stung more then once. One sting does a lot of good for a person, more then one, and you start to become mindless.   This queen has been around for too many years for anyone to remember when she was born including her. So, each year they just celebrate her millionth birthday.   There's dancing singing, eating, and games all day long. One of the most treasured holidays in the kingdom. Almost like our Christmas. Everyone in the kingdom eats a sweet pine needle on this day that only becomes ripe near the queen's birthday. This is a favorite part of this holiday, along with the music and gift-giving to celebrate and represent what a gift it is to live another year with their queen.


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