Journal 32: Sometimes you're just too good of a player Report in Zanthia | World Anvil

Journal 32: Sometimes you're just too good of a player

Intrigue unfolds at the lavish chateau while one of the players plans his way out of the campaign

Created by Wren for the Valdorin campaign

General Summary

Wolf-boy turns into an actual wolf and sniffs the door. It attacks! Mimic attack! After defeating the monster, we loot some rooms. After wolf-boy opens a chest, a part of the wall slides open and we are attacked by undead monsters! Waaagh! Wolf-boy goes down, but after some magical healing he is not only cured of his injuries, but also of his retardation. We find a tome which we can't read, and proceed downstairs.
  After waking up, we talk about the dreams we're all having. The owlbear was one of us, which we figured since Darri took some of his feathers. Shynt tells us a little about his history with Darri. We go and have a chat with Darri. She has half a playing card, never got it all. She is looking for home. We learn that the 'dream' adventurers were physically in this house before they disappeared, looking for something. Darri tells us about Shynt's master, Byfir, who had said something about sending 'them' away; and that Shynt can find them. Darri walked into a conversation with the master, talking to shadowy figures and cards. Byfir asked Darri to go with Jean-Phillipe and live with them. Bruno is also here, in the walls. Darri has been here 5 months.   We talk to Jean-Phillipe, and learn a little bit about the curse of their family. We are invited to a dinner party, which Jean-Pierre and his associates will also attend. Jean-Phillipe's mother will also be there. His mother has a library in the house.  
We go downstairs, and find 13 items on pedestals. They all look evil, like a shrunken head, evil looking amulet and a stick with a frog on it. With a little detect magic we find out that some of the items are magical. We take the frog stick with us. We enter the next room, which has a lot of water. The door is a portcullis, which seems weird. In the center is a figure (Bruno). There are 12 chanters on pedestals around the room, all smokey and not-really-there. One seems more real, and talks. We learn that Bruno was there to find them, Darri to guide them, and Shynt to lead them. Erabelle is one of the founders of the circus. Whatever Byfir did, the boy is much stronger now. After a while, we force Bruno to come with us back out of the room. The mansion starts to shake, and rocks start to fall from the ceiling. The door is blocked, oh noes!
  [IRL] Sneek quits.
Valdorin campaign
Report Date
29 May 2019
Primary Location


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