Session 3: Exploring Acedia Report Report in Zanova | World Anvil
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Session 3: Exploring Acedia Report

General Summary

Having just liberated Brume and the others from the thrall of the Jinmeiju, the party now had a strange elf friend in tow. Brume has proven to be, so far, at least somewhat knowledgeable about the Grove, seemingly come here on purpose and with a plan in mind; find the Heart, and make a pact to gain magic from it.   After having discussed this with the party, the party began investigating, trying to find their way to the Heart.   Nim spotted a glint through the trees. She saw a large metal humanoid figure, seemingly a warforged, and a smaller, dwarflike figure in black armor. Upon Toni's greeting, to get their attention, the dwarf immediately moved to attack.   A quick battle ensued, between the party and these two warlocks, leaving Cha'nak the dwarf dead, and Rachat the warforged surrendered, having given the party all their stuff in exchange for them rescuing their Arcane Core from the Heart of the Grove. Rachat told the party what everything they knew, including that Charlemaj is dead by the hand of a follower, Sabine. Sabine now commands the coven, and according to Rachat, plans to make war on Obril.   After the battle, the party recovered plenty of lovely magical items, seen below.   Where is the Heart? Who will we have to fight to get there? And what exactly does Sabine want?   Find out next week in Warlock of the Black Thorn Grove!

Rewards Granted

World of Zanova

Shield of Vigilance

Armor Rare (this item requires attunement)

The Shield of Vigilance bears the image of a bright green eye, which seems to move around when you're not looking at it. This image is on a field of gold inscribed with various magical runes.   While you are attuned to the shield, you gain the following benefits:  

  • You can't be surprised while you are conscious.
  • You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.
  • Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being hidden from you.
  • While you are attuned to the shield, you can use a bonus action to sense the location, number and type of creatures within 30 ft. radius of yourself. This lasts for one minute, and can't be used again until you finish a long rest.

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis. Properties
Shield +2

Weight: 6 lbs


World of Zanova

The Storm Forger

Weapon Magical, Versatile, Istanium Rare (this item requires attunement)

This istanium hammer is styled to look as if it's a small branch and it seems to have lightning bolts along the handle, as well as a large lightning bolt on the side of the head.   You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage (included) rolls made with this magic weapon.   Smith's Friend. As long as you are attuned to this hammer, you gain proficiency in Smith's Tools. If you already have proficiency, you gain expertise in Smith's Tools.   Istanium weapon. This weapon is made of the magically infused metal known as istanium; this weapon automatically deals full damage to objects and constructs.   This hammer has 5 charges. While attuned to it, you can expend 1 charge and make a weapon attack. If the attack hits, the hammer unleashes a blast of concussive sound, which can be heard by all creatures within 300 ft, dealing an extra 3d6 thunder damage to the target. That creature also must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until its next turn. The hammer regains 1d4+1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Martial Melee 1d8+2 / 1d10+2 Bludgeoning 5 ft. Magical, Versatile, Istanium

Weight: 2 lbs


World of Zanova

Ring of Concentration

Ring Uncommon (this item requires attunement)

While attuned to this ring, you can concentrate on two spells at once. Whenever you make a Constitution saving throw to continue concentrating on spells, make a separate saving throw for each spell.

Adventures in Zanova
Report Date
21 Oct 2019


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