Saif al-Rakim Character in Zameen | World Anvil

Saif al-Rakim

Saif al-Rakim is a lich and necromancer who is politically active in the city of Baqubair    Saif refuses to allow himself to become a cliché storybook villain, and actively resists the descent into cartoonish, maniacal evil often associated with lichdom. He resists not out of any sense of goodness or morality or any belief in a need for redemption, but merely because he finds the idea of becoming the monster at the end of some hero's story tedious.   He exercises his control over his power base with a signature style of pragmatic generosity. He actively strives to improve the lives of his constituents and employees, solving problems with swift, decisive action. His primary motivation for doing so is to maintain long term control. In the millennia of his existence, he's learned that happy subjects are far less likely to lead revolts or inspire Paladins to come knocking on his door. High wages, public sanitation, reasonably safe work places, and balanced tax rates all work to keep the peace and serve his interests.   As much as possible, he enforces his will with a network of employees that are given a surprising amount of personal autonomy in exchange for unswerving loyalty and absolute obedience. He demands that his orders be carried out immediately with all resources at his agents' disposal. In exchange, his employees are often allowed to pursue their own interests without being bothered for sometimes years at a time, all the while still collecting regular pay.   Like any other lich, Saif needs to regularly consume mortal souls to sustain his unlife. These souls are almost always drawn from the condemned criminals of Baqubair, but occasionally from assassins sent against him by his rivals.
Saif al-Rakim cover
Lawful Neutral (He likes things orderly)
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
A tower at the edge of Orbarrow
Formerly Male
Red pinpricks of unlight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rawhide-colored and leathery
90 lbs.


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