Viahl Geographic Location in Zaikiri | World Anvil
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"There's rumors of those who have stepped into the darkest shadows of the world and never returned. Did they get lost, traveling past the point where they could sense anything through the darkness? Or did they find something hidden away, beyond where few shadow creatures dare to walk?"

Viahl lays beyond the layer of shadows known as Rihar. Though is nearly impossible to reach for unknown reasons. Perhaps this is a good thing however...

Fauna & Flora

Very few of Viahl's already rare visitors survive an encounter with the wildlife there. Though those who do can only really confirm one thing about them: They're highly agressive, have sharp senses, and are extremely dangerous.
The creatures' exact forms are unknown, as are their full capabilities and... really every other detail about them, including how to effectively combat them. It isn't known what they normally eat, if anything. If they're predators or simply territorial. How they sense anything, if they rely on any of the familiar set of senses or something uniquely adapted to their home...


Viahl has been discovered, and re-discovered, mutliple times over the milenia after traveling through Rihar became common and people explored it's depths. Unfortunately, the first several who visited Viahl either refused to speak of what they found, or were killed by the local inhabitants. Since it's confirmed existance the number of accidental vists has gone down, though deliberate visits to explore remain rare.
The comparitively few who have visited and come back report finding ruins, though their nature and perpose beyond that remains unknown. It would appear that Viahl has existed for a very long time, perhaps longer than the three main realms.
There's rumors that the Vah'en may be connected to Viahl in some way, as they would appear to have existed for an equally long time, but there's never been a firm answer to these rumors.
Alternative Name(s)
Beyond the Edge of Darkness
Dimensional plane

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Cover image: by Foxyowlet


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