Rihar Geographic Location in Zaikiri | World Anvil
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"There are those who know how to walk through the darkest shadows of the world to avoid notice. Though getting to this state is a challenge. One must also have a good sense of direction to know where they are going. Unless they wish to step out of the darkness and into a wall."

Unnervingly dark, no ambient sounds to hear, nothing to smell, little to feel. Overall hard to navigate.

Localized Phenomena

Rihar exists as a sort of 'between space' primarily dominated by Dark Magic, specifically that of shadow. Navigation without an affinity for this magic or an item imbued with it is difficult to nearly impossible, and it takes a certain level of skill with the needed magic to enter. However someone that can enter and navigate without issue can pull another person or creature along with them. When being pulled along by another one better stick close, otherwise they risk getting lost.
With some practice this place can be used to cover vast distances in a short time, or, given that it overlaps with all three realms, travel from one realm to the next.

Some occassionally claim they find outlines of ruins in the depths of Rihar's darkness that don't exist in any of the three realms, but none have ever confirmed the location of these ruins... Others speculate that these might be echos of ruins in Viahl, which can only be accessed by the most determined explorers of Rihar's depths where even the strongest shadow mages can barely see. But given how dangerous Viahl is to explore, on account of being both nigh-impossible to reach and extremely dangerous, it is difficult to prove.

Fauna & Flora

Vah'en appear to be native to Rihar, though their elements can be wildly different from shadow.
Alternative Name(s)
World's Shadow
Dimensional plane
Location under

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Cover image: by Foxyowlet


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