Dark Saints War Military Conflict in Zagdesh | World Anvil

Dark Saints War

"The sky turned red, and black lighting filled the skies. I remember this because this was the day I died, I died as she took her last breath. I decided to take as many of those bastards with me as I could."  
  • Dres Serik, hero of the final battle of the Dark Saints War
  • The Conflict


    Battles took place all over Grifyet


    The countries have built up goodwill with each other by fighting alongside each other


    All of the countries suffered heavy losses both civilians and military   Despite his death, Desolus has gained worshippers and an underground following

    Historical Significance

    The Dark Saints War is the conflict that nearly destroyed the continent of Grifyet. It started as a war between the countries of Alfsein, Alghueri, Xertz, and Cretuin. The causes for the war were over land disputes between Alfsein and Alghueri, which caused Xertz to get involved because of their pact with Alfsein, and when the war escalated Cretuin got involved. All this conflict, all the bloodshed created a chance for a new god to create an avatar and enter the world. This god, Desolus, was a fledgling god of despair. He raised armies of corpses, demons, and worst of all the hopeless among the countries. He marched across Grifyet, spreading despair It wasn't until the countries banded together that they could beat his army back, and that gave them the opportunity they need to strike at Desolus himself. They sent the Alfseinen high mage, the Cretuin grand lancer, the Xertian assassin master, and the Alghuerian battlemaster. They fought long and hard, and finally brought his avatar down, surprisingly surviving the battle.


    Though years have passed, the wounds left in the land, and its people, are still fresh

    Technological Advancement

    The magitech of the Cretuin was put towards fighting this battle, and advanced fairly quickly during this time
    Conflict Type
    Battlefield Type
    Start Date
    Ending Date
    Conflict Result
    The god Desolus was defeated, and destroyed



    100,000 troops 25,000 battlemages 50,000 Mamluk 1,000 assassins
    Countless corpses and demons summoned by Desolus 75,000 followers




    Defeat Desolus and prevent further bloodshed
    To cause despair


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