The ATLAS Foundation Organization in Yrnath | World Anvil

The ATLAS Foundation

The Advanced Transmutation, Laboratory, and Arcane Sciences (ATLAS) Foundation, founded by Ishi Westbrook and Ralos Bellefontaine, is a research institution focused on expanding the limits of what is possible through transmutation magic. The organization has been accused of numerous mortal rights violations, as most of their research has focused on mutating live test subjects through a variety of arcane and surgical means.  


In the year 7E 458, a scientist by the name of Ishi Westbrook had begun dabbling in a number of highly unethical experiments. To ensure her research was given a sense of legitimacy, she endeavored to organize a research institution that could be used as a front for her to follow her more questionable theories. Alongside Ralos Bellefontaine, a close friend from her time at the Grand Arcturian Academy, the pair established the ATLAS Foundation. Initially, from Ralos' perspective, the organization was meant to be a genuine institution of higher learning, one that would provide resources to disenfranchised and underfunded researchers, giving them the opportunities they never would have had otherwise.   ATLAS served this exact purpose for years, before Ishi began to dominate much of the decision-making process. She began pushing researchers down inhumane avenues of research, alienating all but the most like-minded of arcanists and scientists. Eventually, even Ralos could no longer stand by and watch, and left the institution, giving Ishi full control over its goals and ambitions. Once in full control, Ishi began transforming the organization from a research foundation to an independent military power, rivalling those of many of the world's nations. Only ten years after its founding, the ATLAS foundation had the fourth-largest military in the world, giving it near full autonomy to act however they pleased.  


Many of the experiments conducted by ATLAS have thankfully been documented and preserved, allowing their actions to be properly recorded in the annals of history. The details of these projects ,as well as any images attached to their files, have been omitted, as many of them involve grotesque and unnerving depictions of their work.  
Project Regenesis
Project Regenesis centered around efforts to develop a self-replicating food source. Initially, the research was focused on ways to develop self-replicating crops and artifical meat sources, though the research soon shifted towards modifying test subjects with regenerative abilities, and then testing to see whether certain limbs grew back after being removed. The project was declared a failure after eighteen test subjects were lost.  
Project Intersection
Project Intersection centered around efforts to better understand why certain species mating produce half-races, such as half-elves and half-orcs, while others do not. Initially, the research was focused on coding the genomes of the various races, though the research did shift towards attempting to force certain hybrids to exist. This project did show some success, as a handful of hybrids were able to survive the experimentation, though with severe physical and mental trauma resulting from the procedures.
Founded: 8E 458
Headquarters: The Savage Isle