Hyaedrin in Yrnath | World Anvil


The hyaedrin, more commonly known as "pale elves", are a subrace of elves that dwell almost exclusively in the Pits region of the Underdark. Due to the lack of viable food sources in the Pits, hyaedrin are known to hunt wildlife on higher levels of the Underdark, including sentient beings.  


The first confirmed record of a hyaedrin occurred around 2,700 AB, in the Lower Dark region below the continent of Shae'daqen. It's unclear exactly how the hyaedrin came to be, though the prevailing theory suggests that the first hyaedrin were direct descendants of the first eladrin to venture into the Underdark below the Prime Material. As the higher levels of the Underdark grew more crowded, some began to move lower and lower until reaching the depths of the Pits and were likely forced to set up residency in the depths to avoid the overcrowding of the higher levels.  
Author's Note:
Many people assume that the hyaedrin are in some way connected to vampirism due to their aggressive cannibalistic tendencies, though this is incorrect.