Yonderverse • Science Fantasy World Codex



The History of Yonderverse so far

There will be billions and billions of sophonts who lived before present day, but there are some that are more important than others. The Kavaari were an important group of people who for thousands of years lived on their home planet, but eventually ran out of space there and so they fled in spacecrafts to find a new planet to call home.

They had adapted to their native planet too much, and so they combed through thousands upon thousands of planets for a new home, but none were suitable enough for them. Every time they landed on a new planet, they left a giant statue of one of their leaders to remember them by. These statues have survived to modern day, and have influenced countless civilisations.

Current Species & Cultures

There are trillions of existing intelligent species in the Yonderverse. The Oanie are an important species. They are opportunistic, and like to prey upon uninhabited planets, taking over and stealing all of their resources without a care for native ecosystems. Unfortunately, this is all legal and nobody can stop them, so people are patiently waiting for them to slip up and break the laws to the planet's inhabitants can be put on lockdown for their crimes to the galaxies.

Needs & Relations

Most civilisations can live on their own. However, they thrive when they work together. That's why the space colonies around the different galaxies have progressed so much. They have so many different people from so many different walks of life, that can help each other in so many different ways.

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