Star Life Cycle

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Simply put, the star life cycle is just how a star evolves from a nebula, to a protostar, to the main sequence star, to either a white dwarf, neutron star, or a black hole. Depending on the initial mass of the star, its lifetime can last from about a million or two years, to up to a trillion years. Every single star starts off in their life cycle as a nebula, or a cloud of gas and debris that floats in space.

Stellar Nebula

Stellar nebulas are large bodies of interstellar clouds, consisting of various gases and debris, both artificial and natural. The gases include nitrogen, hydrogen, a little bit of neon, helium, and the debris includes cosmic dust and stardust, which comes from star shedding itself. Several of the most important nebulas are found close to the Ria Solar System, Tak-24 and Linnera, two of the biggest nebulas which are believed to evolve into a mega sequence star, an unusual and extremely rare main sequence star, that is a bright purple and is about two hundred times as big as a massive main sequence star.


A protostar is a young star, that is still gathering itself from its state as a nebula. It is the second stage in a star's life cycle. Lasting around 500,000 years, it has a fairly short life. The core of protostars appear a whitish colour, however slightly translucent. The molecular cloud that orbits the core is a variety of colours which depends on the debris and gases of the cloud. Two extraordinary beams expel from either end of the core, which can actually be manipulated and used as non-portable teleporters.


Protostars form when a nebula, or a molecular cloud, collapses under its own gravitational pull. Souls that are bound to space have an incredible gravitational pull for their size, so when enough of these souls get trapped in a nebula, they pull together all of the gas and debris to form the protostar. The protostars only become relatively stable when the core of the core fills up with enough souls, depending on the size of the protostar.

Main Sequence Star

The "main sequence star" is just an umbrella term, for about 3 different stars; the main sequence star, the massive main sequence star, and the mega sequence star. These three stars, as shown by their names, range in sizes, and in colour.

In the middle of these stars is an orb of frozen souls. The reason as to why the souls are frozen is still unknown, but the souls carry a large gravitational pull which controls the stability of the stars. If too many souls are added into the orb, then it will implode, and if too little are in the orb, it will continue along the star life cycle.

Around the outside of a main sequence star is a thin layer of stardust. This stardust gets shed when the star turns into a giant, and the stardust travels through space in long dust lines.


These main sequence stars are formed when protostars begin to collapse more, due to the instability in its gravitation pull, caused by an inbalance of souls in its frozen orb. The molecular cloud, as well as the protostar core, will form one, which creates the star itself. The compaction of the orb of frozen souls, the core of the protostar, and the molecular cloud, will rapidly increase the temperature to about 5,778K, and that's just on the surface of the stars.


Giants come in several varieties, namely Red Giants, Purple Giants, and Supergiants among others. These aptly named stars are the biggest you'll find, anywhere from a billion kilometres wide to 3 billion. One of the most famous giants is Oribis, with a whopping 17 planets orbiting it since its gravitational pull is so strong.


Giants form when the amount of souls in the core of main sequence stars do not contain enough. Since each soul has a lot of gravitational pull, having too less would mean that the molecular cloud which has been pulled towards the core is free to expel away from it. As well as this, a giant does not have a stardust shell, whereas main sequence stars too. This is just a thin shell of stardust that covers the majority of main sequence stars, and is broken by the molecular cloud as it expels.


Supernovas are the next step in the life cycle for supergiants. When supergiants don't have enough souls in their core, the gravitational pull decreases, and simply put, it explodes.

These rarely happen, and are practically a once in a lifetime opportunity to watch, but when it does happen it has catastrophic effects.


When a star runs out of souls and can't afford to keep the molecular cloud close to the core, it explodes. Because the molecular cloud is trying so hard to escape from the core, and the souls are trying so hard to keep them from leaving, when it does happen it happens almost instantly.

Not just a fizzle or the gas just seeping away from the core, it full on explodes. Anything with in about a 100 light year radius will probably experience serious aftershocks and will be stunned with a flash of bright light.


White Dwarf

White dwarves, also known as degenerate dwarves, is a dense star, its mass is comparable to a main sequence star, while its size is comparable to an average planet, like Greenerth.

These stars are incredibly rare, as they require the sudden influx of souls into the core of a giant and the re-implosion of the star itself.


White dwarves are formed when a giant is suddenly met with a large amount of souls entering its core. This happens because souls are naturally attracted to cores, especially empty ones, as they see it as more space for themselves.

Since souls group together, large groups of souls that enter the giant's core means that the gravitational pull almost instantly increases, and the molecular cloud that was just clinging onto the core is now sucked back in.

This immediate compression means the temperature shoots up too, and it is so hot that the star turns white.


Black Hole

A black hole is an area with so much gravity that nothing can escape it. These black holes are the cause of supernovas, when the souls in the core are left with nothing to pull with its gravitational field, it begins pulling everything else instead.

Most, if not all, black holes are portals to other dimensions. The best example is the Glitter Void, a Galactic Centre of the Pereleos Galaxy which is a portal to the Glitter Field.


Black holes can only be formed by the explosion that is a supernova. When a supernova explodes, the molecular cloud leaves the souls in a tight ball floating in space. This orb of souls, having nothing to pull with its strong gravitational pull, will begin to pull everything it can, including light.

This then creates a black hole, with little chance of it ever disappearing. There are only 2 ways that a black hole can be stopped, if the inside of it was to fill up with the things it sucks in, or if it was to be blocked from the outside by something is cannot suck inside.

Neutron Star

Neutron stars are the smallest of stellar objects in the Yonderverse. It is the result of a supernova exploding, but the orb of souls not having enough gravitational pull to bring anything in and turn into a black hole.

Neutron stars are covered in a layer of stardust which comes from main sequence stars, which essentially negates the effects of the gravitational pull.


Neutron stars are formed when a supernova explodes, leaving the orb of souls in space by itself. If some stardust can miraculously make itself to the orb before it begins sucking things into it, it will cover the soul orb and stop the gravitational pull from bringing anything in.

It is not understood how stardust is able to block gravitational pulls, but it is harnessed by several races of people in the Yonderverse. Stardust as well blocks souls from entering the orb, meaning the neutron star is left in a stable state and has an infinite life.

Celestial Objects
Main Sequence Star
Black Hole
Neutron Star
White Dwarf
Related Natural Laws

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Sep 29, 2021 18:16 by Luca Poddighe

I don't know enough about astronomy to evaluate effectively the article and it's connection to your fantasy settings, but it is well written and interesting.

Sep 29, 2021 18:49 by Mochi

Thank you so much! :D I'm so glad you like it!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Feb 20, 2022 07:28

Eyyyyyy, I'm not the only crazy person making a fantasy world based on real sciences!! Seriously, great article. I'm a little late to the party, but I love the mixture of fantasy elements with (as far as I can tell) fairly accurate astronomy. Definitely interesting and inspiratonal!

Feb 20, 2022 09:58 by Mochi

Woo, someone else! Thank you so much for the like and the comment! I tried to make it accurate as possible while adding my own spin to it :)

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
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