Jerna's Diary Document in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Jerna's Diary

Jerna's Diary is a document created and published by Jerna, a terani from Dracosei. The diary serves as an informative document on every single aspect of the planet, from the people and the species, to the cities and the cultures, sparing absolutely no details. The diary is written from Jerna's point of view as she travels around the planet.


Jerna is a terani born somewhere in Etrea. Due to her tribe being nomadic, her place of birth is unknown. At age 17, she packed her bags and suddenly decided to become a Travel Scholar, a profession that involves documenting the world.

Between ages 17 and 254, Jerna explored the planet of Dracosei and documented absolutely everything she found. During these years Jerna discovered 98 new dragon species, and hundreds of other animal and plant species.

Hello! I've already talked about myself a bit, but I thought some more information would be nice.   I am 286 years young, because I messed up trying to talk to a deity and got cursed with immortality. Big screw up on my part, but it means I can document things for eternity. Some time ago, I forgot exactly how old I was, I became a Travel Scholar. I started out quite rough; I wasn't sure what I was doing, how to get free things (I don't earn money, and rely on donations), it was a catastrophe. I got some solid advice from an retired travel scholar. He told me confidence was key, and to this day I still listen to him.   My longest relationship was with a woman, Amandin Mea. I'll be surprised if you don't know her, she's a pretty popular actress who's starred in many movies. We ended our relationship a while ago, after I got a job with the People's Association, or PA. The PA study all the sapient species in the Yonderverse, and I was hired to study a new species, mutonins, that suddenly appeared on my planet and I had a run-in with them. Almost lost my life, actually. I ended up killing the entire species, got a raise, and I still work there part-time, whilst I continue my travel scholar adventures.
— Extract from Jerna's Diary


Jerna's Diary is organised into articles, documenting different aspects of the planet. For example, Jerna has created an article for each different animal species on the planet, such as scissor-claws and boltfrills. These articles go into great detail about the specifics of each topic, such as the behaviour, diet, and anatomy of species or denizens, location and culture of settlements seen in the Silver City article.

As well, the online document contains many maps and timelines of different locations and events from Dracosei. These maps are made from online Dracosian mapping tools or are simply taken from online Dracosian sources.

Many of Jerna's timeline information comes from history books, however the information is not always reliable since history books often do not contain unbiased opinions of historical events.

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Geographic Location | Mar 26, 2024

A planet in the Ria Solar System. Dracosei is inhabited by hundreds of dragon species.

Cover image: Dracosei Header by Mochi


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