Fractured Fish Species in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Fractured Fish

Fractured fish are a cosmic species found within the shatterspace. These animals are the remnants of dead dimensions, their fractured shards forming the shape of a fish.


Fractured fish have the general appearance of a fish, while being made of dimensional shards. These shards come from dead dimensions, after they implode and form the shape of a fish. The more powerful the dimension was, the larger the fish appears, and the sharper the shards are. Some fractured fish may appear different colours, and it usually depends on the most present colour within the dimension. For example, if Sabala were to die, then the fish would appear a yellowish-white.


With the death of a dimension comes the birth of a fractured fish. As a dimension begins to implode, it shatters and leaves behind shards of all sizes. These shards will lay on the ground of the shatterspace for a few seconds, before floating upwards and shuffling about to form the shape of a fish.

Religion & Mythology

Fractured fish are mention in one way or another in various mythologies and religions from planets across Aavar's River. From the Canaians on Greenerth to the Apalins on Cilvarth, fractured fish are viewed in a range of ways but are always interpreted as the aftermath of the death of a dimension. In Canaian, fractured fish are seen as godly beings, with powers one couldn't imagine, while in Apalian these creatures are seen as innocent beings with no real purpose.
Average Length
Anywhere from 1cm to 1km have been recorded
Geographic Distribution

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Geographic Location | Oct 14, 2023

A corridor dimension. In it, portals appear to different dimensions.


Author's Notes

Thank you Andrew for the idea!

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