Shimmer Grass Species in Yarth | World Anvil
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Shimmer Grass

Ah, Shimmergrass all the beauty of a wildflower with none of the frailty (or occasional teeth). Shimmergrass can be found on every continent currently known to man, and i theorized to have originally been created during the Hemorrhage itself. Shimmergrass as the name implies is a colorful grass that shimmers in Sol light. It has no set color and each blade could be different color making fields of it look like a rainbow had lied down to rest. as Solarian species its harmless to humans and wildlife. Its even edible though its not very nutritious and carries the dangers one would expect from consuming any Solarian item.

Basic Information


Shimmergrass resembles the general morphology of pre hemorrhage grasses though its actual components are quite different. The fibers one would expect a grass to have are more akin to optical fibers as they are quite durable but less flexible. the root system of shimmergrass draws no nutrients from soil rather it primary use is to anchor the grass to the ground, and mildly purify the soil both of corruption and any other imperfections it can find. Shimmergrass grows to about one foot in height.

Genetics and Reproduction

Shimmergrass does not seem to reproduce through normal means rather it just spontaneously generates in area with sufficient sol light, though it never competes with other plant life and ill even die off if another plant is nearby.

Growth Rate & Stages

a field of shimmergrass can appear and grow to adulthood in just under one year.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimally Shimmergrass will grow in places other plaants can not such as poor PH, polluted, rocky, low nutrition soil. thus shimmergrass will grow nearly anywhere. Shimmergrass over the course of centuries can repair poor soil from nearly any source, though this long time often means they are not used for industril aaccidentss but rather as a fantastic rotation crop as it can replenish unique or hard to acquire nutrients.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Shimmergrass does require Sol light to grow and thrive.

Biological Cycle

the only kink in the Shimmergrass biological cycle is Nightfall when Sol is not present Venari's light passes through the shimmergraasses crystal-like matrixes giving the fields a deep purple shimmer.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Shimmergrass has a slightly sweet and fruity flavor that many are fond of as just something to chew. Shimmer grass can be used to clean up environmental hazards but as it takes so long this method is usually only used by settlements who lack the technology to clean or terraform the surrounding area. Best of ll in a pinch Shimmergrass can fend off starvation as even large amounts can be consumed without too much fear of Solar Purification though one cannot survive off of shimmergrass alone, Malnutrition ill still take its toll.
Scientific Name
Arcus Capillum
Conservation Status
None. Some even consider it a weed.
Average Height
one foot to two feet high.

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