Relictas Species in Yarth | World Anvil
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referring to themselves as "the abandoned" the relictas are a isolationist race choosing instead to guard their ancient Monasteries that they call home. They most frequently appear as large Canines though depending on their exact origin this can vary wildly. though they will always be covered by sharp spines along their backs and have a gripping appendage on the end of their tails. Relictas have never been seen to reproduce rather more are "found" or "awaken" from deep within their monasteries their population is believed to be static no new relictas are made and relictas rarely if ever die.

Basic Information


All Relictas have five appendages four locomotive limbs and a "tail" tipped with a gripping appendage with three fingers. their backs are alwayse equipped with an array of spines that will easily strip flesh from bone if prey is struck with them. aside from these things relictas can vary wildly.

Biological Traits

In my time researching Relictas I have encountered wild variances in their forms while most are roughly the size of an average full size sofa from head to base of tail, I have seen rarer variants that are smaller and more reminiscent of what ancient men called "Chihuahuas" horrid little things that they are. and the rarest relictas, as I have ever only found one, is my companion eddie who appears to be an animal plant hybrid. he claims there are more like him but they are very rare.

Genetics and Reproduction

no means of reproduction has been found. genitals are present but vestigial. new relictas simply "appear" from within their mountain top monastaries

Growth Rate & Stages

Relictas are found naturally occuring in a "stage 1" at this stage a relicta is completley feral and savage often ripping into intruders with their spines and consuming them on the spot. their intelligence at this stage is almost less than that of an animal more like a sentry machine. But relicta are not stuck in this stage recent discoveries have brought to light that when domestication attempts are made relictas respond at first very negatively, but repeated attempts change the relicta's very physiology. at "stage 2" a relicta has the general intelligence of a raven or parrot and will show signs of curiosity though its violence has ebbed it is still very much present. Relictas at this stage can also be house broken as well as taught simple tricks or tasks. "stage 3" can take years to achieve but at this stage the relicta takes a completley upright posture and gains full sapience. Now the relicta's spines will retract at the touch of their gaurdian and physical affection becomes possible.

Ecology and Habitats

Feral Relictas rarely if ever leave the great monasteries they call home. these monasteries can be found across all of yarth, but Monasteries have only been found on high mountain peaks or plateaus. The few feral relicta that aare found outside of their monasteries show a strong aversion to going below 1000 feet below sea level.   A Relicta Monastery Is a structure of unknown origin. found originally by Cattoric cultists these monasteries are primarily made of stone or other local mountainside materials. the architecture of which varies as much as the Relictas themselves though they all retain aspects of a fortress with walls and towers making entry particularly difficult. Curiously enough when one places their ear against a monastaary wall or structure in general one can hear a faint pulse.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Relicta of all stages are strict carnivores but have been observed to only require food to regenerate/heal from wounds. but an creature showing signs of sapience are dragged into the monasteries for a more ritualistic and admittedly painful feeding

Biological Cycle

Relictas have no known adolescent or juvenile stage they appear to be born fully developed and in the feral stage. but without concrete evidence of the inside of their monasteries this can not be confirmed.

Additional Information

Social Structure

feral relictas seem to operate on what ould appear to be programmed routine with patrols that often are foolproof with the changing of gaurds happening very smoothly and with overlap as to not allow intruders a hole in the monastery defense.


The domestication of a relicta seems impossible at first but it is important to keep in mind one thing. they are lonely. giving them companionship is difficult at first but just going about your day with the relicta caged and in view is enough to calm it down if repeated over a few weeks. singing or speaking to your relicta is always a good idea as well. it is IMPERATIVE to keep your relicta caged at this point as even if muzzled it will use any advantage to kill every living thing it sees. at stage 2 you can domesticate your relicta like ny canine but beware they crave physicl affection but their spines WILL kill you. by stage 3 it is less about domestication and more aabout friendship.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Relictas are by far the most effective companion and bodyguard humanity has found since emerging from the network and their natural resistance to cattoronic and venarian corruption make them expensive yet necessary companions for any scavenging party.

Facial characteristics


Geographic Origin and Distribution

Anywhere with high mountain ranges, perhaps they enjoy the cold? maybe the thinner air?

Average Intelligence

stage 1's are reminicent of killing machines stage 2's are reminicent of canines and stage 3's are just as intelligent as any human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

relictas have an incredible sense of smell and hearing. but to prevent celestial mutation their eyes seem to have been made or evolved to be far less efficient making them essentially near sighted.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Their tails are suspicious as during the feral stage their tail seems to act independently. Helping the relicta climb and hunt and will even attempt to attack an adopted relictas owner from time to time without the Relictas consent. while this tail does not seem to be its own creature it DOES seem to have its own nervous system allowing independence.

Civilization and Culture


Relictas all seem to be "born" with the same memories and a devotion to serve their creators. but something happened a long time ago and their creators have all gone or died. my friend here eldest (i call him eddie) says he does remember the fall of his creators and that he was reated to serve the leader of those people....but eddie seems to suffere from a kind of PTSD and wont talk about it.
Scientific Name
sad spikey bois
With no way to reproduce and no reports of aging Relictas they must be biologically immortal but an absence of ageing does not mean they cannot die.
Conservation Status
The looting of Relicta monasteries is strictly forbidden but has no punishment being caught by a feral Relicta is punishment enough.
Average Height
The smallest variant I refer to as "gremlins" range from several inches to foot tall. standard Relictas are roughly 5 to 6 feet, and my personal friend here who refers to himself as "the eldest" is 9 feet tall.
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

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