Raeor - The Archshackels Character in Xyvener | World Anvil
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Raeor - The Archshackels

God of Prison

Commandments Whoever you disprove of, send them to the Carceri Prison. Everyone has done something worth punishing.     Influence on the world: The few Carceri Jailors that make it to the world can bring much pain and suffering through plane-shifting many decent people to an eternal prison.   Days of Worship: None   Prayer: Prayed to Raeor are often about taking People to his place that have wronged the player, and rarely also pleas to release their loved ones.   Rituals: Sending him prisoners is generally considered a lovely ritual for him. The worst criminals may get sentenced to such a sentence.     Places of Worship: Very rarely one can find a small shrine to him in actual prisons. Both for the jailors to and interrogators to worship as well as to instil fear into the prisoners.   Symbol: A grid of four squares with extending edges.   Depiction: A chain monster?   Location: Raeor rules the eternal prison Carceri.
Domain: War, Forge Alignment: Neutral (Lawful) Evil


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