Using Magic in Aetheria in XOver | World Anvil
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Using Magic in Aetheria

As much as possible, we’ve tried to both balance and streamline spellcasting by sticking with the rules for skill use in Fate Core. The elements of spell use allow for narrative permission, extending the logical use of skills in particular circumstances. For example, a person with Athletics can swim in water, but under normal circumstances they cannot walk on water. A spell user with the Realms of Air, Energy, or Water could describe how they are using their abilities to actually walk on the water.   As with any other skill use, it’s assumed that a spell user has everything he/she needs in order to create the proper effect. That being said, lacking resources, inability to effectively move, not being able to speak clearly, wonky magical fields with dead spots - these are all great compels which can cause failure, or (potentially worse) unexpected spell results.   In general, follow normal skill resolution guidelines in Fate Core.   When Creating an Effect use the Casting Skill. For any other action, use the closest approximate skill based on narration of the action.   There are two broad magical actions: Quickcasting and Create an Effect.  


Quickcasting is similar to the use of any other skill, but it requires appropriate narrative permission to do this. Thus, an Adept can round a corner and unleash a Firebolt using Shoot the same way a soldier could Shoot his blaster. Typically, only an Adept or Archmage can Quickcast (there are some rare exceptions, which would require the possession of a stunt).  

Creating an Effect

Creating an Effect, sometimes called a Ritual, is a longer process, usually requiring 10 minutes minus Casting Skill, so it’s not optimal in combat situations - but all spell users can do it. It is usually a Create Advantage action.  

Holding a Created Effect

The spell users performs all but the very last portion of the ritual has been completed and is Holding an Effect, which requires mild concentration. However, it can then be quickly released (treated as a simple dice action). Someone significantly distracted while holding may have to Overcome using Will in order to maintain control of the effect.   Releasing an effect from a held action allows it to be used as another action type where narratively appropriate. For example, a dabbler Summons Flashfire with two invokes and holds it. He releases it just as some Guards are Coming Around the Corner. The GM rules that it’s similar in resolution to Shoot (ranged attack, also allowing for appropriate defense the dabbler then Attacks using Shoot with an additional 2 invokes of Summoned Flashfire available. Though he will only be able to use it as a fiery Shoot this one time, if he doesn’t use all of the invokes, he can still have the remaining invoke(s) to reflect the intensity and power of the fire.   Held Effects are typically visible (you know, just like it's usually obvious that a person is walking around with a gun or big sword drawn). For example, a Fireball may be seen as an angry, glowing, pea sized, pulsating ball of energy hovering above the caster’s palm or head. A prepared teleport effect may be noticeable as a shimmering field around the body of the caster causing them to blur momentarily. Lore or Investigate (if you have time) with appropriate narrative permission may allow you to figure out what spell is being held.  

Quickasting to Create an Effect

Just because one can Quickcast to Create an Effect (Create Advantage), it doesn’t mean that they should. This is an excellent time to offer a Rushed Effect compel; a Fail result would definitely indicate such a possibility (much more likely than “merely failing, nothing happens).  

Holding a spell in retrospection

If it can be narratively justified in retrospect that a person has been holding an effect, then they may do so at the cost of 1 Fate Point.  


Adept's Choice of Skill Use

An Adept or Archmage may elect to use either Casting Skill or the appropriate skill for a Fate Point. Example: An Adept with Shoot +1 and Lore +4 releases a Firebolt. He decides to spend a Fate Point and fires the Firebolt using his Lore +4.  

Taking My Time/Being Really Careful

A spell user may Create an Effect to use in conjunction with something they could normally Quickcast resulting in an aspect such as Taking My Time or Being Really Careful.  

Mystical Effects Outside of One's Realm(s)

  • Dabblers or Adepts may create an effect outside of any one Realm they do not possess for 1 Fate Point.
  • Adepts or Archmages may Quick Cast in one of their Secondary Realms for 1 Fate Point (all realms beyond an Archmage's Primary Realms are considered Secondary for them)

Balancing Magic Use

Use the Balancing Magic section in High Fantasy for further guidelines on resolving magic use.


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