Stone King in XOver | World Anvil
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Stone King

Here’s something the Royals don’t talk about: Homeworld ain’t really part of Royal space. Truly. Dead center of everything, but they don’t claim it; they leave it for the magicwarped mutants on the surface and the Stone King and his followers below. King Albrecht Stoneborn is a genuine insane tyrant, convinced that the stones whisper to him and have told him to go to war with the aether sea. The dwarves on Homeworld are building an engine, one massive enough to propel the entire planet. Ships that move too close are attacked from the surface and stripped for parts after they crash. Hooded or blinded dwarves have been found out in the sea, sent past naval blockades on unspecifed missions.
  Folks are pretty sure the King’s plan to build a planet-sized warship is impossible. But the man and his people are fervent.


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