Cult of Slaanesh Organization in Xéno Édafos | World Anvil
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Cult of Slaanesh

Charismatic Cults

Charismatic cults are the simplest in structure, as their organisation is based around the authority of a single figure -- the cult's leader. Personal authority is usually the norm in these cults and is maintained by the leader's force of character, natural charisma, oratory skills, or simple personal power.

Cults led by a single powerful figure such as a witch or magus are often of this type, although any place where malcontent or religious schism breeds can throw up a charismatic leader.

This individual will exploit the weakness of others for their own personal power or gratification, or the fulfilment of their own apocalyptic vision.

Pleasure Cults

There are countless ways to come to know the glory of Slaanesh. Some mortals are simply tired of the suffering they experience daily in a merciless, unrelenting galaxy and want some sort of reward for enduring the ceaseless pain. Others enjoy a life of privilege already, but refuse to be satisfied with what they have.

There are even those who simply cannot seem to resist certain actions or sensations, from listening to screams of tormented captives in torture chambers, filling their bodies with neurostims, or obsessively staring at walls of a particular shade of mauve for solar hours on end.

From the most grand ambitions to the most seemingly innocent desires, anything that causes the slightest pleasure in a mortal is a psychic opening through which the Dark Prince can make its presence and influence felt.

Regardless of where a cult springs up, how it grows, or what the particular fixations it has might be, all Pleasure Cults of Slaanesh have common themes -- excess, sensation, and personal perfection.

One cult may be trying to find the perfect pitch at which to scream, another seeking the most efficient way to get wine into the bloodstream, and another pushing the limits of how much skin can be removed before the body fails.

They are all looking for more than they have or more than they have been told is possible. A cult of Slaanesh is a study in obsession, just as their Dark Prince would have it.

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