Titania Character in Xelestar | World Anvil
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Titania, God-Queen of the Fey, is the sole creature responsible for the existence of Winter in the world of Xelestar. She entered into this realm from her home plane of The Feywilds to guide Queen Illyria of the Winter March  toward conquering the greater part of Boreal.    After viewing intimate mortal love for centuries, Titania attempted to create God-King Oberon as a perfect partner to themself. When this romance reached an end, Titania adopted Queen Illyria of the Winter March . This event would lead to the mass exodus of Feyfolk into the world of Xelestar, known as The Galatean Exodus , which remains directly responsible for the large number of elves in the world to this day. Additionally, Titania's rejection of Oberon lead to the tragedy known as The Campaign of Roses .   Titania's Domains of Worship include:
  • Winter
  • Seasons
  • Strength in Solitude
  • Initiative
  • Force
  • Cold


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