Meshach Peregrine Character in Xelestar | World Anvil
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Meshach Peregrine

Meshach Peregrine was born in the Isles of Gloria before being killed by Emmet Brood at The Massacre at Marigold . However, he as well as two others were reborn into bodies of living fire through some act of apparent intervention on the part of The Nascency , as Abednego (another of the reborn individuals) recalls falling headfirst into "The most protective white light. Far beyond what one can imagine except through death."   Shortly after reawakening, Meshach found a family of dwarven engineers who welcomed him in with open arms as they too saw him to have some divine purpose. It was here that this family and Meshach decided that it was his mission to use the fire bonded to his very flesh to act out the will of the gods on Xelestar. Using a set of religious artifacts that doubled as a set of divine craftsmen's tools, the father of the family began to construct a suit of armor for Meshach, that he may begin his holy pilgrimage without setting the world around him ablaze. Complete with a series of vents and exhausts like the mighty kilns the family used for their many iron tributes to Walariel (whom they refer to by her Dwarven Name, "Hammer of Change"), Meshach's suit was complete. With the ever-raging spark of the The Twelve Pillars of Creation themselves flickering in his heart, Meshach walks Xelestar, helping those in need whom he comes across. Though his purpose is righteous, rumors have begun rippling throughout the criminal underworld of a "Hell Engine", that approaches like a solitary candle holder in the night before burning an entire base of people to ash.


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