Ariana Kostenko Character in Xanthiri | World Anvil
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Ariana Kostenko

Born Cycle 83, year 2, 10 Month of Remembrance   Major of the Paladins, Chapel Mother of Sutrin

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Two long scars along her right cheek, from her ear to just past the corner of her mouth.

Physical quirks

Left handed

Special abilities

Divine Magic

Ariana retains residual capabilities of light magic from use of the Dawn's Tears. Unable to perform magic naturally, most of her power comes from the sword. Still, she went through rigorous training to perfect it. Her training to become a mother granted her the knowledge to perform minor healing spells, augmented by the blade.  

Sword mastery

Her training with the Paladins and experience in battle makes her a formidable opponent.  


Ariana's exposure to intense and frequent healing magic during the Glass War left her with less sensitivity to physical sensation, mostly affecting her sensitivity to pain. This is a condition known as Stel Syndrome. She can push through injuries that would normally be too painful.

Specialized Equipment

Dawn's Tears

A specially crafted spellblade, one of several swords given to leaders within the Paladins during the The Glass War. Ariana is one of the few people in the world able to wield one. It grants her divine magic to create light, shields, and break curses, along with augmented speed and strength.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Years

Ariana and her twin sister, Daliah, were born in the The Estean Empire, the homeland of their faith, The Order of Martalia. Their parents were doctors and heavily involved in The Order. Their mother died in an accident overseas and their father died of heartbreak. Their grandmother, Xiomara, became the one to raise them. Xiomara was a business owner, and while not high in social status, was able to provide.   Ariana and Daliah were raised by Xiomara to be extremely hard working and studious. This is how they were able to get into higher end academies than ones of their social status tend to, being very adept at teaching themselves. They were both accepted into a prestigious academy in Soltse purely on their talent. They stuck together, being there for each other as they navigated that strange world.   Throughout their entire childhoods, their family was very involved in the Order. Although the Mothers and Brothers excreted their power over everyone, they were keen on having the Vegus children "prove" their faith. After Ariana stood her ground when a Brother insinuated that her sister was not a true believer for all her questionings, the rumors spread to Ariana as well.   Meek Ariana was much more sensitive to these rumors and accusations getting to her. She truly admired and wanted to be as just and true as the Prophetess. She became extremely paranoid about her soul being damned, which others took advantage of within the Order. In comparison, Daliah was pushed further and further away from religion. The two recognized the issues of their nation, but had vastly different approaches to how to fix it. They began to fight and drift apart over this around the time they were to go to college.  

The War

  At the age of 17, Daliah and Ariana were accepted into a prestigious university based on their academic performances. Vannuil, a childhood colleague and rival, also followed them there. He was the only familiar face in this new environment. Though his disruptive attitude and ability to excel without having to work much for it, bothered the twins, the three stuck together anyways.   A year later, The Glass War officially broke out.   This was the breaking point for the sisters. Ariana felt it was her sworn duty to fight for her nation, a holy calling of sorts. She would not turn away. Her sister, on the other hand, felt the need to continue her studies. Ariana felt that Vannuil's rebelliousness had gotten to Daliah, making her chose their friend over her own sister.   Ariana joined the military, and once again her knack for learning quickly and her innate talent got her far. She was scouted out to join The Paladins, an elite military faction of the Order. There she became part of their vanguard forces leading the battles into Thandava, eventually becoming a major. She felt that in this position, she could inspire change and have enough power to sway others. It was not that simple, and some of the acts she took part in haunted her for the rest of her life.   In particular, new healing magic and potions created for the Paladins became an addiction. They permanently destroyed her ability to accurately feel pain. One result of this addiction was the need to feel pain again, prompting a wave of self harm and endangerment.   Some time into the war, Daliah came to see her under the guise of patching up their relationship, much to her surprise. As it turns out, Daliah had joined a group of rebels, The Red Glass, looking to put an end to the war and dethrone the emperor. She had only come to see her sister to distract her as the rebels stole from her. She did not fully realize this until some time after.   Daliah’s rebels aligned themselves with an assassins guild, and with their help, were able to dispose of the corrupt emperor. Daliah was chosen to take the spot on the throne and act as a figurehead while the rest served on the new council. This was the last straw for Ariana, who suspected that her sister went down this path for her own gain.  


  With the war over and wanting to distance herself from the corruption and source of her addiction, she joined a small abbey in a remote town to become a Sister. She would devote her life to the true god, Sol, but always felt she was never doing her part for atonement.   Some time after this, after becoming Mother, she met a young man named Vannain. He came seeking guidance, explaining his peculiar situation to her and his relationship to Vannuil. Although she initially was nervous about the boy, his admiration for her work and the clerics won her over. Although his faith is not all there, she believes he can be what the Order needs, and agreed to take him on as his mentor.

Gender Identity

Trans woman (she/her)


Aromantic Asexual

Intellectual Characteristics

Although she is an extremely devout and pious woman, Ariana is intelligent and quick to pick up on things. She naturally learns and adapts, making her a skilled tactician. She values more than cold logic, feeling a desire for a balance between thinking with her heart and her head. She never does anything out of malice, even if it is a "logical" option.   She knows not to let anything get under her skin, to keep her cool at all times. It can be difficult to make her angry and throw her off her game, but if one manages to, she can spiral rather quickly.

Personality Characteristics


Ariana desires to become a nurturing person and to serve her goddess. To do so, she seeks redemption from her actions as a soldier, even though she was told being a soldier was a holy calling.

Likes & Dislikes

Ariana loves the calming light of a candle flame while she reads. She enjoys pranks and jokes, but nobody would believe that she takes part in them. Her favorite sound is the chapel choir singing, their voices resonating and echoing down all the halls.   She does not enjoy tea, and is quite a picky eater. She does not enjoy fighting, despite her abilities.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ariana is patient, gentle, and protective to anyone who needs her. She feels it is her duty to be better for the sake of other people, and is willing to forgive. Although she doesn’t feel romantic love, she is still family oriented and deeply loves her son, being very nurturing and motherly towards him.   She never acts before thinking things through, keeping a tough yet soft demeanor through all things. She prides herself on being a reliable person anyone can count on. More than anything, she tries to make the world more peaceful and full of love.

Vices & Personality flaws

While being steadfast can be a good thing, this makes Ariana stuck in her ways. She is extremely stubborn, even dogmatic at times. The Order's tight hold on her makes her distrust other religions and buy into some of their prejudices, and when met with arguments that such distrust is illogical, she gets angered.   Forthright to a fault, she prefers to speak the truth even if it gets her into trouble or brings up her past. She detests liars and feels that if something is worth doing, it’s worth people seeing. This can also result hurting others, and though it pains her, she doesn’t wish to show it.   Although she would never admit it, she is insecure about her appearances. She tells herself and others that they do not matter, that it is her skill that defines her, but secretly she does care a little.


Contacts & Relations


A young boy who lives at the Sutrin chapel. He was directed to find Ariana, being told that she would give him a home at the chapel. Since then, she has all but formally adopted him as a son.

Family Ties

Daliah Vegus

Daliah is her twin sister. They were close growing up, even coming out to each other as both trans women at the same time. Since the events of the Glass War, they have not spoken.  


Daliah and Ariana's late grandmother and caregiver. The two looked up to her, eager to follow in her footsteps of being a strong woman.

Religious Views

Ariana grew up within the Order, desperate to please them from a young age. She is extremely devout to Sol, and would do just about anything the clergy demands of her.

Social Aptitude

Ariana carries herself with an air of confidence and purpose, always eloquently spoken. Her straightforwardness can sometimes be intimidating, so it can be a surprise to some when she makes lighthearted jokes to soften the mood. People tend to feel that they can trust her, and feel safe near her.

Wealth & Financial state

Ariana is comfortable, all her needs being taken care of by the Order. She has little wants outside of what the chapel gives her, so she saves up all her spare coin to spend on others.
Current Location
Year of Birth
998 39 Years old
Keoma City
Current Residence
Black, white stripe, straightened
180 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages

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