Gray Ghosts Organization in Wyrring | World Anvil
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Gray Ghosts

The Gray Ghosts were the only true thieves’ guild in Gracklstugh. Its members are duergar and derro outcasts, plus the odd escaped slave.
  The Keepers of the Flame caught and executed the Gray Ghosts’ previous leader, who stole their red dragon egg but never revealed its whereabouts. The relentless vendetta forced the thieves into hiding and restricted activities, but they persevered thanks to the three renegade derro savants who are their current leaders: Uskvil and the twin sisters Aliinka and Zubriska.
  The Gray Ghosts discovered how the council of savants were living in wealth while the remainder of the derro live as second-class citizens, and they hoped to use the captured dragon egg to bring the city to its knees and force King Horgar to acknowledge derro as full citizens.
  However, the major leaders of the Gray Ghosts were captured, and are currently held captive by the Stone Guard.

Source: Out of the Abyss Pre-Made Adventure
Civilian, Crew


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