Thermicles Character in Wulsten | World Anvil
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The White-Gold Flame

Thermicles is one half of the deity known as Chaarkus, who was a god from before the creation of Wulsten. When Mother Aea brought the remains of the mortal realm to their new place and created Wulsten, she asked Chaarkus to create a new sun for the newborn world. Chaarkus obliged, seeing as only his divine flame could ignite something of the magnitude of a sun, but even his fire could not fully ignite it. By the time he had finished igniting all of the sun, the first half would have died out, so he split himself in two, so that he might be on both sides at once. Thermicles took the form of Chaarkus's good inclinations, becoming a personification of justice and virtue. It is said that the glorious golden hue of daybreak is because of Thermicles's flames.
Thermicles resides within Roldkorfell atop Diamstell, along with the souls of the righteous worshippers of the draconic pantheon.

Divine Domains


Scalykind (Dragon)
Fire (Arson)
Sun (Light)
Nobility (Hubris)
Glory (Legend)
Good (Friendship)



Holy Books & Codes

The Golden Accord is the holy book of Thermicles, and it serves as instruction to and guidance for his followers. It is filled with stories and parables, and tells the followers of Thermicles to seek a righteous life. Notably, it does not condemn Ignisseus, in fact it says to also respect and revere him and his followers, as he is the other half of Chaarkus.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Thermicles is identical in shape to that of Ignisseus, as a dragon with wings spread wide. It is usually made from gold, but regardless the metal, it is kept shined and gleaming.

Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Favored Weapon: Longspear


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