Talon Organization in Worlds of Gods Hub | World Anvil


Created by Savannah Ordeux a few years after the self-destruction of Phalanx, as a means to "create a Phalanx Gallius could be proud of." This new group promised to be for the protection of humans from demihuman or extreme human threats, with aspirations to operate on a global scale Savannah did contact Gwen through Tyler to get Kalestian aid. Her request was approved but limited, the new Kalestian government approved supplies & equipment but did not provide any aid by way of soldiers, as they needed all available bodies they had. However even with greatly reduced numbers when compared to Phalanx, the new organization would proceed to have a great impact in the areas they operated in, with their most important change being Talon was public knowledge to mainlanders and not a shadow group. In a major bid to reduce skepticism and enforce the code of conduct, Talon functioned like a demihuman military police force. They would be called into disturbances in progress to assist first responders at the scene if they felt the incident warranted it. While still having the freedom to launch their own investigations and run operations, wherever the operation was located had to have the support of the region's government and Talon was held responsible for collateral damage. Despite the name their operations didn't have to be violent in nature, they participated in; extreme search & rescue and natural disaster prevention/relief. The group accepts applicants and its employees receive non etheric training (unless their aura is already active), gear, and a generous pay scale based on the Kelstian operator pay system (along with a fantastic benefits package because...duh) [During Roy's stent as leader he adds a wing in their headquarters for housing and provides education for members and their families.] After the events of Long Devil's Night, Roy officially joins the organization and becomes the organization's brand ambassador and vice president behind Savannah. During their run together they oversee the defeat of The Prince, Rein and his followers, & numerous other community successes. Infamously they also don't try to stop legislation that makes casting outside of a Talon approved action a misdemeanor, with repeated offenses making it a felony (causing massive tension between them and those outside of the group). Savannah's departure from the organization begins its rather rapid downfall, she endorses Roy and names him her successor but he hasn't felt comfortable working for Talon this last year as the war has intensified and can start to feel the pressure of the public eye on him, but his trust issues make it almost impossible for him to hand the role over to someone else, but his beliefs in fair chances makes difficult for him to just accept the role as leader. Tyler tells him to hold a contest in the Kelestian arena, "they have tons of games and contests or they'll work with you to build one that could test whatever you want.". Roy allows any Talon member to join and of course he himself enters as well, where he's just able to eek out a last minute points based victory by fulfilling a secondary win condition (like Gryffindor winning the house cup with the "you defeated the dark lord bonus") With this victory Roy begins his term as president of Talon with Kyle Bronson acting as his VP. Roy's run oversees the defeat of The Archons for good (though he's credited for it in the court of public opinion, and that's not entirely incorrect, a generous contribution was made by the vigilante group Stellar Nights. Like Russia's contributions to end WWII without the invasion of Berlin.) However his group met a wall as it was faced with their repeated defeats to Pandora's Fraternity unable to overcome them during his term. After a little over a year of his run, (as her legal status was concerned the) "criminal" Mikka Summors, the leader of the Nights, was granted an opportunity to challenge Roy for his presidency. Feeling she was not only overlooked initially but her contributions over the past few years have been as well, Roy concedes and arranges to have another contest designed. Mikka makes a point in requesting its a best of three competition so Roy "can't cheat out a victory again." Their contest, Meta vs. Stellarknight I, was held in the Kelestian arena and became the first arena match broadcasted to the mainland. The finish of the contest saw Mikka take the role of President from Roy and started her reign over the organization that she renames Stellar Talon. During her term she saw oversaw successful campaigns against the Fraternity, the elimination of any straggling Archon supporters freeing all their territory (including the capture of @Thomas Iltch), most importantly she relentlessly applied the legislation against casting until it was repealed, this in the long term proved unpopular, combined with her growing tendencies to only focus on defeated the Fraternity, she began to be accused of working for the shadow groups that ran the government in the past trying to reinstate their control. It also didn't help that Mikka paid little attention to these rumors as she kept her head down and kept doing what she believed was best to help the world, their opinion be damned. Roy during this time attempts to recover from the massive amount of stress and exhaustion he endured as the public figure for Talon that had resulted in a slow nervous breakdown he was barely containing at the time of the contest. After the legislation is repealed he's slowly talked into the idea of returning to his roots and using his abilities once more for community service, a task Mikka is neglecting, shortly afterwards once more uniting local heroes who wish to help in more ways than fighting other Demihumans in a war in a far away land, together they found the group NeighborHood Watch. Tensions between Stellar Talon and the public continue to grow as the group strongarms more political power while continuing to devastate communities to defeat the Fraternity in a war that begins to turn in public opinion as it drags on. Mikka's refusal to work with Roy to take down Walter Otto only stokes resentment against her. Roy takes a stand for those who feel its time Mikka was removed from power but didn't know how to accomplish it by literally standing up to her. NeighborHood Watch cuts off Stellarknight after the decimation of another Fraternity controlled city, the two sides have a brief standoff before, Meta vs. Stellarknight II erupts. With Stellar beaten and detained Roy declares himself President and shuts down the organization allowing all those willing to adhere to their rules entry into the Watch but grant early retirement to any who won't, bringing the organization of Talon to its end only four days shy of its fifth anniversary.

Valor in Virtue, Virtue in Victory, Victory infinitum

16th of September 2025 - 12th of September 2030

Military, Knightly Order
Subsidiary Organizations


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