The Handler-in-Severian's-Shadow, or, The Handler Character in World of Wonder | World Anvil
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The Handler-in-Severian's-Shadow, or, The Handler

The Handler-in-Severian's-Shadow, more commonly referred to as The Handler, is a mysterious human male who represents the Unseen Hand in the Lightpoint Lands. He is a purveyor of work for those less than scrupulous adventurers out there, and it is whispered that his jobs are the highest paying work one can find in the Lightpoint Lands.

Party Interactions

Race: Human

Age: Thirties to forties

Height: 6'5

Build: Slender


Blond, tall, and missing two fingers on his right hand(ring and middle)






Never caught without a drink in his hand, the Handler can drink anyone under the table



Often squints at those he speaks with



Speaks with an unsettling, quiet tone, and is not prone to raising his voice.


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