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The Dragondeeps

  In the center of Pac, a great crevice dominates the landscape. The Dragonborn who live upon the surface of Pac call this great crevice the Dragondeeps. The Dragondeeps, one of the Wonders of the world, are immeasurably deep, with no living soul ever having seen the bottom. It is impossibly complex, a web of millions of underground caves, ruins, and, according to some adventurers' reports, portals to other worlds and realms beyond imagination. No dungeon, or ruin, or even ocean or starspace is impossible to find in the Dragondeeps, if given enough time.   Far and away, the most common denizens of the Dragondeeps are the dragons themselves. Closer to the surface, only wyrmlings can be found, climbing from lower levels of the Dragondeeps to feet and claim treasure and territory. But as adventurers descend deeper into the Deeps, young dragons can be found, and deeper still adult dragons rise from sleep to feed and send their minions to add to their hoards of treasure. It is whispered that, in the very depths of the Dragondeeps, where few adventurers have set foot and returned to tell the tale, ancient dragons that have slumbered for ten millennia rest in hoards of treasure so massive, a bloodline would live in luxury for all generations to the end of time.   For this reason, the culture Pac is dominated by Dragonborn, who often adventurer into the Dragondeeps to gain treasure and acclaim for themselves and their bloodlines. These Dragonborn dominate the surface of the continent, legally excluding all other humanoid races from their continent, save for the occasional servant, scholar, or trader.   Entry into the Dragondeeps is regulated and maintained by the Keepers of the Descendants, a religious order whom award contracts in exchange for tithes. These contracts grant adventurers the rights to pillage and plunder a specific area of the Dragondeeps. The also offer bounties for monsters whom have killed previous adventurers, or awards for finding and rescuing lost adventurers. From the tithes they receive for these adventurer contracts, the Keepers of the Descendants give worship and thanks to the draconic ancestors of the Dragonborn. They have been known to drop offerings straight down into the blackness of the pit, in the hopes that benevolent ancient dragons might find it and offer them protection from their sleeping malevolent brethren.   The Dragonborn of Pac have made for themselves a very wealthy land, built entirely off the treasures gained from their adventurers into the Dragondeeps. Glory and riches await the Dragonborn brave enough to take an adventures contract and delve into the Dragondeeps, or so the stories are told, and so many adventurers have tried their luck descending downward.    

Above the Dragondeeps

  The Dragonborn who dominate the surface of Pac blanket the continent, from the grassy plains in the north, to the tropical woods in the south. Over the millenia, they have developed a feudal system based on their own draconic heritage. Non-dragonborn are forbidden from owning or leasing land anywhere on the continent. Nobility in the two kingdoms is based upon the concept of bloodlines. Dragonborn nobles define themselves by their bloodline. That inheritance includes their lands and titles, as recognized by their king.  

Kingdoms of the Surface

  Two kingdoms dominate the vast surface of Pac. They are Aithazelen, which dominates the northwestern region of the continent, and Bathazelen, which covers the Southeast. Both kingdoms have shared a peace between each other for nearly a thousand years, built primarily on their sharing agreement regarding plundering the Dragondeeps.   However, this peace has not always existed. Internal strife within the Kingdoms is also a constant. Noble bloodlines fight and fall and plot and scheme against each other, always seeking to gain titles, status, and power within the kingdom, and perhaps even usurp the throne for themselves. Aithazelen is especially known for this, and has seen no less than ten bloodlines as kings since the pact between the two kingdoms.   The two kingdoms are sometimes called the Delving Kingdoms. There is some disagreement over whether this name applies to a pre-pact historical period of war between the two, or their current state of affairs, in which, in accordance with the pact, land and disputes between the two kingdoms are settled in a series of games and tourneys of that are known as the Dragonblood Games.  

Bloodline Feudalism

  Bathazelen and Aithazelen are each ruled by a single monarch, either referred to as a King or Queen. However, this title is not passed to the oldest living son or daughter as standard primogeniture would dictate. Instead, titles pass to all of the immediate descendants. They are then to elect a King amongst themselves, and after their decision is made, the remaining heirs take on the titles of prince or princess, and retain a degree of leadership and authority in the Kingdom, only able to be overruled by the king or queen.   The wives and husbands of the King or Queen and their Princes and Princesses share in these honors as well. In every marriage, one side must choose to leave their Bloodline and join that of their spouse's Bloodline. This decision is not based on gender and Bloodlines can grow to be quite large during reigns. In all cases, when the one elected king or queen by the bloodline passes, his or her titles pass to their direct descendants, who then become the Princes and Princes of the Kingdom, and must select one amongst each other to be named King or Queen.   Infighing among bloodline kings, and their princes and princesses, is very common, and whilst brothers and sisters plot to be named King or Queen, other families look upon the Royals with envy, and seek their downfall. In Aithazelen, sorocide and fratricide are a routine part of most Bloodlines, who often prune their family tree after the King or Queen passes.   So it is for all titles in the Delving Kingdoms. Below the Royal Bloodline are the Ducal bloodlines. Twelve Ducal bloodlines are found across Pac, swearing allegiance to their respective royalty in whichever kingdom they inhabit. They elect a Duke or Duchess among them, and the remaining siblings take the title Dukeling or Duchling. Further down the feudal line, owning smaller tracts of land they more directly manage, are the Counts and Viscounts, who follow the inheritance rights of the other titles.   Minor wars between counts and dukes are uncommon, though open war is permissible so long as a cassus belli is produced to the King or Queen of the kingdom. More often, rival bloodlines plot against each other behind closed doors, seeking advantagous marriage pacts in the best of circumstances, and orchestrating crimes or fabricating legal claims against rivals in the worst.  

Knighthood, Dragonknights, and Honorary Titles

  In addition to the Landed titles, Nobility, and even some commoners, are sometime granted various honorary titles. The most common of this, by far, is knighthood. Only a knight can make a new knight. Usually, this is done to a squire after some period of service to his or her knight. A knight in the Delving Kingdoms is entitled to certain privileges, but also takes on responsibilities. A knight is always referred to as Sir for men and Dame for women, though knights are able to choose whichever their prefer.   Dragonknights are an order apart. Knights who successfully mount a dragonnel are considered Dragonknights, and are revered throughout Pac. Dragonknights are considered heroes of fables and stories come to life. Parades are often held in their honor and having a dragonknight in a landed lord's employ instantly increases their status among the nobles tenfold. For these reasons, many an adventurer have lost their lives trying to tame and ride a dragonnel found in the wild or within the Dragondeeps. Only a handful of Dragonknights currently ride, primarily in the Dragonblood Games, where their jousting tournament is considered the greatest of all the games. True Dragonknights, as in, dragonborn riding atop an actual dragon, are the stuff of fables and legends, oft talked above over ale and a burning fire. While not all of these tales are apocryphal, most must be taken with a grain of salt.   Other honorary titles, such as for offices, or for feats of glory or fame, are bestowed by nobles, often to commoners who have contributed to their bloodline in some meaningful way.  

Magic on the Surface

  While adventurers are permitted to use magic as they please while delving into the Dragondeeps, magic on the surface is a highly regulated endeavor, regarded with suspicion by both the commoners, who know little and understand less of the arcane arts, and nobles, who view magic as a vehicle to usurp their titles. Using magic either without express permission of the local area's ruling Count, Lord, or King, or outside the confines of the Wizarding Whisperers' watch is considered a crime across both kingdoms, the punishment for which varies from lord to lord.   The Wizarding Whisperers are a collective of Wizards found across both kingdoms, who are charged with the study and control of magic and magic users. Whisperers serve as councilors on most of the Ducal and up lords in the kingdoms, and are prized as useful spies. Among themselves, they are fiercely protective of the secrets of magic, and fearful of those who can manifest magic naturally, such as sorcerers.   Clerics and Paladins gain their magic through ancestral worship. The use of these forms of magic on the surface are tolerated and often performed at various religious ceremonies and festivals, though violent or otherwise dangerous spells are less likely to be ignored by the local authorities. Castles often hire clerics as court doctors. Sorcerers whose magic come from little understood sources are almost universally distrusted, and are often burned at the stake if they manifest their magics on the surface of Pac. Druids, few as they are, live isolated lives both above and below the surface, and are a rare sight. Their natural magics are sometimes sought by superstitiuois commoners and local scholars, though they are just as often hunted by paranoid landed lords. Orders of Monks are similarly rare and isolated, and it is whispered most are found in the Dragondeeps, forever training themselves against the many caverns and dungeons.  

Religious Veneration

  While an unreligious and arrogant lot by nature, the Dragonborn of Pac nonetheless have a calendar rife with religious ceremonies, holidays, and festivals. This is because religious worship in the Delving Kingdoms most often takes the form of ancestral worship. Dragonborn venerate and give offerings to their ancestors whose deeds have been laid down in history or story. A dragonborn who returns from the Dragondeeps with a hoard of treasure, enriching his family for generations, will be venerated by those generations for centuries to come. A Duke who defends his lands from an invading Bloodline or some other incursion will be enshrined and respected through their descendents.   Oftentimes, priests and bishops from the Order of the Descendents are brought to castles by Bloodlines who wish to perform rites of celebration for an ancestor. These holy leaders also participate in religious ceremonies and festivals across the Delving Kingdoms, as well as maintaining the awarding of contracts to those who wish to descend into the Dragondeeps.  

Aerrera Xar

  The lone urban center on the continent of Pac is a walled city in the North, resting near the great waterfalls that pour into the Dragondeeps. The city's name in common means Ancient City. It has stood for thousands of years, passing from kingdom to kingdom over the century. The large walls and stone are made from obsidian, giving the city a terrible, ominious look from afar. But within those walls, bright colors adorn domed temples and tall spires, and fairs and games are common in the city.   Ownership and management of the city has been sought after for centuries, and whether through intrigue or open war, there are always bloodlines fighting to control the Ancient City.  

Dragonblood Games

  The Dragonblood Games are a series of events held during a massive festival twice yearly. Events include the dragonback joust, dragonbreath contests, melees, archery contests, magic competitions, and much more.  

Bloodlines of the Delving Dragonborn Kingdoms

  The Bloodlines of Bathazelen are mostly comprised of Chromatic Dragonborn, whereas the Kingdom of Aithazelen is filled with Metallic Dragonborn. There are a few Gem Dragonborn whom hold landed titles, though most are either commoners or religious figures in service to the Keepers of the Descendents.  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Andradursaryx
Common Familial Name: Flamecrown
Sigil: A Burning Brass Crown on a black field
Landholding Titles: King of Bathazelen(Zelen in draconic translates to "lands")
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Lhamsurthriin
Common Familial Name: Moonlance
Sigil:a pale crescent moon crossed by a white dragonbone lance, on a violet field
Landholding Titles:King of Aithazelen
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Gauletharmorn
Common Familial Name: Sea Serpent
Sigil: A green sea serpent, half submurged in water, on a blue field
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Vureemgolos
Common Familial Name: Snowfall
Sigil: White dots of snow falling on a green field
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Calaunuxiser
Common Familial Name: Ninetails
Sigil: Black Cat of Ninetails centered on a white shield, on a black field
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Vureemvalos
Common Familial Name: Eggtooth
Sigil: A single barbed eggtooth, black, inside a white egg, on a blue field
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Alaemerefel
Common Familial Name: Strongclaw
Sigil: A single raptor foot, brown, with a long black claw, on a bright orange field
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Pfaphnyrennish
Common Familial Name: Horn
Sigil: Two golden horns on a green field
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Qyxpargh
Common Familial Name: Goodberry
Sigil: A bundle of goodberries on a vine, red on brown twigs and green leaves, on a white feild
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Clethtinthiallor
Common Familial Name: Smallboots
Sigil: Two untied small brown boots, on a green field
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Claugalae
Common Familial Name: Deathspitter
Sigil: Frilled Deathspiiter, in profile, shooting black acid from its mouth, on a yellow field
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Iyliamfelatar
Common Familial Name: Sunlake
Sigil: Blue lake with flames burning across the top, on a grey field
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Daeregurysaer
Common Familial Name: Claw
Sigil: Two clawed dragon hands, green, on a blue field, with black and grey claws
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name:Dalaetharuxinalae
Common Familial Name: Dragonarms
Sigil: Dragonbone sword and axe, crossed, on a grey field
Landholding Titles: Duke
Honorary Titles:    
Draconic Bloodline Name: Akhanatar
Common Familial Name: Anole
Sigil: Grey Anole on a green field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Nurauthzundae
Common Familial Name: Brazier
Sigil: Black brazier with burning orange flames, with grey smoke rising, on a white field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Imbixtellrhyst
Common Familial Name: Turtle
Sigil: A Dragon Turtle on a blue field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Esstyrlynn
Common Familial Name: Caiman
Sigil: A grey caiman on a brown field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Grrmmballshyst
Common Familial Name: Entry
Sigil: An open doorway of stone, with black shadow in the opening, on a deep purple field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Sumnargythrysh
Common Familial Name: Acid
Sigil: Droplets of green acid on a black field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Orexijandilin
Common Familial Name: Bowborn
Sigil: A bow and arrow
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Umbyrphrael
Common Familial Name: Waveblood
Sigil: White-tipped ocean waves on a blue field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Beryntolthropal
Common Familial Name: Maze
Sigil: A Green hedgemaze on a white field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Sumnarghthysh
Common Familial Name: Liondrake
Sigil: A Liondrake, outlined in black, on a golden field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Hshhsstoroth
Common Familial Name: Bonelizard
Sigil: Skeleton Lizards
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Caavylteradyn
Common Familial Name: Hippo
Sigil: A purple hippopotamus on a brown field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Qyxparyne
Common Familial Name: Alligator
Sigil: A green alligator on a brown shield, on a green field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Norixius
Common Familial Name: Cork
Sigil: An opened bottle of champaign, green, on a black field, with gold and silver champaign firing
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Lhamboldennish
Common Familial Name: Snake-eyes
Sigil: Two glaring, slitted snake eyes on a black field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Turnoroth
Common Familial Name: Fireball
Sigil: An orange fireball on a blue field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Imbixtellrhyst
Common Familial Name: Sardonyx
Sigil: An opague gem with bands of red and white, on a black background
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Wystongjiir
Common Familial Name: Beehive
Sigil:A golden beehive on a green field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Wivyrholdaphiax
Common Familial Name: Leatherwing
Sigil: Town black leathery wings, outlined in shining golden light, on a black field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Clethtinhthiallor
Common Familial Name: Cookie
Sigil: Cholocate chip cookieds, brown, on a red field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Zzxaaxthroth
Common Familial Name: Dragonfly
Sigil: A purple, violet, and black dragonflie on a green field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Bhenkumbyrznaax
Common Familial Name: Boulder
Sigil: A grey stone boulder rolling left, on a descending brown field, crossed with a black field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Fharngnarthnost
Common Familial Name: Volcano
Sigil:Erupting volcano, grey with red fires and orange lava, on a blue field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Hashphronyxadyn
Common Familial Name: Pyramid
Sigil: A golden pyramid on a darker golden sandy field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name:Ophinshtalajir
Common Familial Name: Letters
Sigil: Inkwell and Quill, both black, dabs of blue ink spilling onto a parchment colored field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Daardendrian
Common Familial Name: Delighter
Sigil: A pinkish grey dolphin delighter on a blue field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Argenthrixus
Common Familial Name: Plum
Sigil: Two purple plums
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Xephyrbahnor
Common Familial Name: Komodo
Sigil: A giant monitor lizard, dripping saliva, dark green of skin, on a brown and red field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Kimbatuul
Common Familial Name: Checker
Sigil: A checkerboard of black and red
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Delmirev
Common Familial Name: Chameleon
Sigil: A chameleon of eight vibrant colors, perched on a twig, over a setting orange cirle within a blue field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Yarjerit
Common Familial Name: Cheesegrater
Sigil: A silver cheesegrater on an orange field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Shestendeliath
Common Familial Name: Torch
Sigil: A single burning torch, sending dim grey light that fades into a field of grey
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Akambherylliax
Common Familial Name: Mountaintop
Sigil: A snowy mountaintop on a bluegrey field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Baharoosh
Common Familial Name: Threekey
Sigil: Three keyes even with each other, each of iron, on a pale gold field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Jerynomis
Common Familial Name: Roper
Sigil: Bundle of rope on a white field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Nemmonis
Common Familial Name: Goblove
Sigil: Two goblins embracing each other on a red field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Qyxwreklen
Common Familial Name: Butterfly
Sigil: A butterfly with the body of a lizard, multicolored, on a black field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Turnoresk
Common Familial Name: Keyring
Sigil: A keyring, with two keys attached, rusted iron, on a grey field.
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:    
Draconic Bloodline Name: Turnuroth
Common Familial Name: Goodgnome(this familial name comes from a humanoid gnome that assisted this Bloodline generations ago.
Sigil: A smiling gnome, arms crossed, pipe coming from his mouth, with a red pointed hat
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:  
Draconic Bloodline Name: Thothgolosangkar (ultimate antagonist of party?)
Common Familial Name: Mimic
Sigil: A Mimic, Brown, Top Open and Purple Tongue Extended, on a Black field
Landholding Titles: Count
Honorary Titles:

Ages of Pac


Age of the Clutches

  The great ravine of Pac splits open. From this ravine crawls the draconic species in all their forms: Dragons and their ilk, and yes, the first Dragonborn. They sprtead to the farthest reaches of Pac over a thousand years. The Dragons claim their own lairs and demesnes, and the dragonborn form villages and towns around them, paying homage to their dragon overlords. The Ancient Ways are a vestige of this time, a form of religious worship that eschews the teachings of the Keepers in favor of giving worship and homage to the dragons, like the dragonborn of old.  

Age of the Dragon Wars

  Initially, the Dragons maintain a peace between each other. But this peace dissolves as land on the surface disappears. The Dragons began to battle for territory, and over thousands of years, they thinned their numbers. Trapped between warring overlords, most Dragonborn lived short, oppressive lives filled with battle during this time.  

Age of Kaal

  It was during one of the thousands of wars that a Shadow Dragon became obsessed with death and how to beat it. He flew to the deepest depths of the Dragondeeps, to the very confines of hell itself, where he made a deal with a pit fiend. He became the Dracolich Kaal, granted great powers but sworn to undeath for all eternity.   With an army of demons at his back, Kaal flew back up from the Pac and overtook the land. His reign lasted 5000 years. During this time, the devils and lesser liches performed horrible arcane experiments on their dragonborn slaves and the very land they occupied. They created terrible abominations and sullied the very fabric of the Arcane and the Animus itself.   It wasn't until a hero arose named Rezovar Sunlance FML Arrkivinysse. Sunlance formed an army of rebel dragonborn, and united, they began to win battles agains their undead overlords. Under his leadership, more dragonborn rose up as leaders. Many of them became the original founders of their own Bloodlines. Their armies began to weave together the tenants of feudalism and familial unity that has since come to define dragonborn culture on Pac. The war between the undead and the bloodlines lasted for generations.   It all came to a head at the Battle at the Edge, an encounter between thousands of bloodlines and the Dracolich Kaal and his armies. The battle lasted for months, and ended the bloodlines of countless heroes of the war, including, sadly, the bloodline of Sunlance. However, at the end, the armies were defeated and driven into the Dragondeeps and the Dracolich Kaal was decapitated. His body was cast down into the Deeps, while his head was kept as a prize, before being lost to time.  

Age of Honor

  It was during the Age of Honors that the Bloodline Feudalism solidified itself across Pac. Heroes from the wars claimed demesne's of their own, casting out the leftover devils and undead that still lingered in the land. Most of the bloodlines currently found on Pac trace their history back to this time, where great heroes of old defeated the last remnants of Kaal's dreadful rule.   As time went on, these demesne's began to go to war with each other for resources or territory, or for honor. Over time, counties conquered other counties, demesne sizes increased, and the first petty kingdoms arose. At the same time, itinerant priests began to travel the countryside, warning of the dangers of the arcane and drawing parallels to the Age of Kaal. Petty Bloodlines took notice, and began to cast out magic users from their midst.  

The Arcane Rebellion

  Twelve hundred years ago, the disintegration of dragonborn unity during the Age of Kaal and the oppression of wizards, warlocks, and the like led directly to the First Arcane Rebellion. The name is imprecise, as the age is defined by dozens of rebellions occurring across Pac. Powerful wizards rose up and formed their own kingdoms, warlocks toyed with the forces of undeath, and abominations once again prowled the lands of Pac, leaving peasants in fear of another Kaal.   In response, a group of petty kings unified under the common cause of ridding the Arcane from Pac once and for all. Their armies marched across the continent, but in each battle with the arcane, their numbers grew smaller and more battle weary, until, at last, they could fight no longer.   It was outside the city of Aerrera Xar, the Ancient City, that the armies of these kings knew they must strike a bargain. Inside the city, a council of wizards had taken control, casting out their oppressors and using their magics to win the love of the people. The council and the unified petty kings came to a bargain, and the Arcane Watchers were born.   The Arcane Watchers are an order of wizards meant to stand as a ward against the incursions of the arcane on everyday life. They would take in magic users, train them in safely using the arcane arts, and advise kings regarding any arcane issues in their demesne. Arcane practice outside the purview of the Watchers was deemed illegal. Their headquarters is located in the Ancient City, as homage to the original order of wizards who took residence in the city and bestowed upon the peasants countless gifts and bounties in exchange for their safety.  

The Rise and Wars of the Two Kingdoms

  After the Rebellion, the dozen petty kings were unwilling to simply return to their homes and rule over their petty demesnes. The petty kings of the Northeastern regions favored unity and wished to electy a king. The petty kings of the southwest favored power and wanted to hold a melee to determine who should rule all of Pac. No agreement could be reached, and each group of six declared that they would follow their own path. The Northeastern dukes elected a king from amongst their ranks, whereas the Southeastern dukes battled for supremacy and chose the most violent as their king.   It took only a generation before the newly born kingdom of the Southeast, Bathazelen, declared war on the newly christened Kingdom of Aithazelen to the Northwest. It would be the first of many, each of which ended with one kingdom or the other gaining a small amount of territory here or there, but no definitive victor between the two. During this time, Bloodlines rose and died fighting on behalf of their kings, and assassinations and battles ended royal lines.   It fell to the Keepers of the Descendants to bring peace to Pac. Born from those itinerant priests, the Keepers had grown in power and prestige, formalizing their religion and spreading its word across the land. Their popularity only grew during this age of War, as desperate peasants and nobles alike looked for an end to the violence.   The Keepers devised a solution called the Pact of Delving. This pact swore peace between the two kingdoms for all time in exchange for freedom of movement between the kingdoms and an agreement that both kingdoms should focus their militaristic efforts on delving into the Dragondeeps in order to bring treasure and fortune home. The Keepers would regulate delving, and noble families, from kings to counts, would be able to enrich themselves and their bloodlines from the endless bounty of treasure available from the Deeps  

The Age of Delving

  The Pact has lasted for a thousand years. In that time, petty wars between dukes and counts have arisen, and plots abound in both kingdoms, yet never once has Aithazelen gone to war with Bathazelen during this time. The Keepers of the Descendants encourage nobles, and sometimes even peasants, to delve into the Dragondeeps for treasure, glory, and honor, receiving tributes from the excursions in exchange for locating and relaying delving opportunities. The Arcane Watchers advise landed nobles across Pac, and report on illegal magic use on the surface. The truce has kept the Pac more peaceful than in any of the previous twelve thousand years of history.

Heroes & Historical Figures of Pac

  Kaal the Dracolich   Rezovar Sunlance FML Arrkivinysse
This article has no secrets.


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