Order of the White Shadows Organization in World of the Five Gods | World Anvil

Order of the White Shadows

Within the Wealding Temple of Taleisin is a secret organization.   Most of the Bastard’s missions are in the open. Orphanages and disaster relief and demon hunting are known and supported by the wider community.   But the Order of the White Shadows takes it's purpose from Taliesin's portfolio of balance. Just as the thumb is sacred to the Taliesin because it balances the other fingers, so this group devotes itself to balancing the power of existing institutions. So like a thumb on the weights of society, the White Shadows seeks to balance the power of the establishment by taking clandestine actions that may be illegal or illicit when traditional societal institutions are unable or unwilling to act.


The order is run on a cell system. Certain priests volunteer to act as confessors for the Shadows. They are trained in ethics, politics, and psychology and are vetted to have a personality that can deal with both secrets and chaos. Confessors recruit likely candidates and then are responsible for spiritual and practical counseling as well as being the point of contact. Shadows generally only have contact with their own confessor, and confessors are sworn to secrecy about the identity of their shadows.   The leadership of the Temple of Taliesin knows the who the confessors are, but doesn't discuss that outside of the temple
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
White Shadows
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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