The Canous Knocker-Upper Profession in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

The Canous Knocker-Upper

In the World of Stendaaris, where magical wonders abound, the profession of the Knocker-upper, once a valued member of society, has become obsolete with the advent of magical and mechanical timekeeping devices. In the swamp town of Canous, Halflings known as Sunkeepers upheld the tradition with their unique twist on timekeeping.  


Sunkeepers needed a keen sense of time, early-rising abilities, and a basic understanding of enchantments or clockwork mechanisms.  

Career Progression

Skilled Sunkeepers could advance to prestigious positions of timekeepers in significant establishments or transition into other service-oriented roles in magical inns and taverns.  

Payment & Reimbursement

Sunkeepers were paid modestly by their clients on a weekly or monthly basis, receiving additional magical or alchemical trinkets as tokens of gratitude.  


Apart from monetary compensation, Sunkeepers earned respect and camaraderie for their vital role, gaining insights into their clients' lives, making them valuable informants.
Alternative Names
Sunkeepers, Dawn Callers, Time Wakers, Rise-and-Shine Summoners
Public Services
The rise of magical and mechanical alarm clocks led to a rapid decline in demand for Sunkeepers, rendering their once-vital services obsolete.
The profession of the Knocker-upper was largely accepted and legal in Stendaaris until its obsolescence. However, there were occasional disputes between clients and Knocker-uppers over punctuality or missed awakenings. In some regions, local ordinances required Knocker-uppers to register their services with the city authorities, but this was rarely enforced.
Related Locations


In the Canous community, the Sunkeepers were highly respected for their crucial role in ensuring that their clients were always punctual for their daily tasks, appointments, and work. Despite not having noble status, they held influential positions and came from diverse backgrounds. The Sunkeepers were known for their early mornings and used a variety of magical tools, such as enchanted wands, special sticks, and luminous pebbles, to wake their clients at specific times. They provided their invaluable services by making house calls within neighborhoods. Some Sunkeepers even offered personal scheduling advice and minor enchantments to promote better sleep.  


As the Knocker-uppers operated in the early hours, they faced unique hazards beyond the typical challenges of nighttime travel. There were tales of Knocker-uppers inadvertently stumbling upon secretive cults performing rituals under the cloak of darkness. Though these stories were often exaggerated, it created an aura of mystique around their profession.   One of the more plausible dangers was that of becoming targets for petty criminals or pranksters who aimed to disrupt their schedule or steal their enchanted tools for resale on the black market.  

Witnessing a Murder

While witnessing a murder was not directly tied to the profession of the Knocker-upper, it could happen due to their early-morning rounds. In such a scenario, Knocker-uppers found themselves faced with a moral dilemma – report the incident to the authorities and risk retaliation from the perpetrators, or remain silent and live with the burden of the truth.   Knocker-uppers who witnessed murders were advised to discreetly share the information with trustworthy authorities or adventurers, for reporting the incident openly could lead to dire consequences for them and their families.  

Scandals and Rumors

While most Knocker-uppers were honest and diligent, scandals and rumors occasionally surrounded certain individuals. Whispers spread of unscrupulous Knocker-uppers who took bribes to either wake certain clients earlier or intentionally oversleep others. Such scandals tarnished the reputation of the profession in some circles.   Additionally, rumors floated about some Knocker-uppers being involved in clandestine affairs, using their early-morning excursions to gather information or secretly meeting with dubious characters. While these stories might have been mere fabrications, they sowed seeds of doubt among the more superstitious citizens.  

Legendary Sunkeepers

Zalbin Sunkeeper - The Founder
Zalbin Sunseeker was a Halfling with an extraordinary sense of time and a natural talent for waking up early. His efficiency and punctuality led people to seek his help in waking them up at the same time each day. Zalbin's reputation spread, and the Knocker-upper tradition began, eventually evolving into the Sunkeeper family.   As the founder, Zalbin possessed a magical ring that started as a simple tally keeper. Over generations, the ring became infused with Ancestral Magic, granting its wearer the power to manipulate time briefly. Zalbin's core belief was that punctuality ensured success, and his teachings shaped future Sunkeepers. His legacy as the original timekeeper lives on in the tales told around campfires in Canous.   Sylla Sunkeeper - The Druid
Sylla was a remarkable female druid within the Sunkeeper lineage, known for her connection to nature's rhythms. She developed a unique approach to timekeeping by herding birds and training them to tap on windows to wake people at the desired hour. Her enchanting morning ritual became a beloved part of Canous's daily life.   Sylla acquired a special staff made from a fortuitous find - a branch from the mystical forest. She worked with her beaver friends to shape and enchant the staff. This wooden artifact became a cherished symbol of her timekeeping abilities. Sylla's affinity with nature also allowed her to influence weather patterns, causing dry spells when she chose to wake up, and Canous thrived under her nurturing hand.   Anni Sunkeeper - The Bard
Anni was a charismatic and melodious Halfling bard known for her enchanting voice. As a Sunkeeper, she embraced her musical talents to awaken the townsfolk. Her voice carried with a touch of magical charm that could rouse even the heaviest sleepers. Anni's morning songs became a cherished part of the Canous community.   In addition to her timekeeping role, Anni was a versatile bard, performing in bustling taverns and sharing her music with the world. Her flute, a cherished bardic instrument and spell focus, was enchanted to throw her voice into the rooms of those she awakened. Anni's legacy lives on in the Sunkeeper's musical traditions and the tales of her captivating performances.   Pimster Sunkeeper - The Homewrecker
Pimster, known as the Homewrecker, earned his peculiar nickname due to his amorous adventures. He received a magical fertility totem from a hag in the forest, rumored to bring misfortune to those who ever left their possessions behind. This led to speculation that if Pimster ever lost the totem, it would impregnate the citizens of Canous.   Rumors abounded about Pimster having numerous affairs and potentially fathering over a hundred children. The truth remains elusive, but he raised only six children with his ex-wife, Belree, before their marriage ended due to the strain of the rumors. Despite his mischievous reputation, Pimster was still admired for his excellent timekeeping skills.   Janeon Sunkeeper - The Last Sunkeeper
Janeon, the last member of the Sunkeeper family, had a passion for exploring beyond Canous. He traveled to Hildrean, where Gnomes taught him the art of tinkering with clockwork materials. Janeon's newfound knowledge led to the creation of the legendary "Sunkeeper" clock.   This clock, when wound at night, chimed with the same magical melody as Anni's songs to awaken the town. However, tragedy struck when Janeon's wife, a Gnome, accidentally caused an explosion while making chocolate-covered cherry bombs. Janeon lost his life, leaving no direct heirs to continue the Sunkeeper legacy, leaving Canous without a Knocker-upper for the first time in generations.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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