Senugri Character in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil


Character Backstory

Where were you born? (you don’t have to name the city exactly or even flush out the entire thing, just give an idea of what kind of city/ environment/ size/ unique things, you don’t have to be too specific)
  In a small town on the outskirts of Kirma. It's like a small farm settlement that focuses on livestock.
  Who are your parents? Names / Occupation (try NOT to just kill them off/ be an orphan, but you can make it unique)
  My parents were llama farmers the last time I saw them.
  What were you doing before you left to be an adventurer? Or have you even “left” yet? What was it you left behind? (What was a “normal” day like in the life of your character?)
  I was tasked to find my balance by the temple where I was trained.
  Who do you know in the world? (Friends, Enemies, Extended Family, Acquaintances)
  My mom Cendril. My father Dhor Rib Cleaver. My best friend Otis Lightfoot a gnome who parent owned a general store in town,
  Why did you leave to become an adventurer?
  Well he was put into the monstatic temple because he started to become more out of hand for his family to handle. As in causing fights and trouble though the town. But after he was in the temple for 6 years his attitude changed to a more mellow and apathetic towards his old reckless self.
  How did you become the class you are?
  After being put into the temple he saw how the monks were training and wanted to give it a shot. And after talking to an elder there they saw he needed guidance to a calming path and convinced him to stay.
  What do you want? Immediate goals? Long term goals?
  To see more of the world and learn what true self balance is like. And also see other temple and learn new techniques.
  What do you love / hate / fear? (Ideals)
  Fear/Hate: Spiders!!!!, and the vast unknown of the ocean.
  Love:exploring wilderness
  What do you respect / value in others, the world, or life? (Bonds)
  i'm fascinated by the beauty of the new land.
  What major flaws do you have? They could be physical, mental, social (***Bonus points for cool/ big flaws***)
  Sneezes every time a nearby creature uses divine power.
  Upon touching a weapon of any sort, roll a d100. If 100, the weapon immediately bursts into flames and turns to ash. Only roll once per weapon ever (ie, repeated touches of the same weapon have same result). Fire burns with a colour depending on the day of the week.
  Are you heroic? (If there was something dangerous happening, would you run to it?)
  If it was to defend my friends, family, or my well being he would.
  Are you merciful? (Goblin Story: a person who wronged you, then asks to be spared… do you?)
  Yes but only to be trialed by his peers and subject in public.
  How do your powers work? (anything cool or unique to the way you cast spells)
  When using hour of reapening an eerie gong/bell is heard and a astral projection of the figure of death appears behind me. and flurry of blows and when touch of death activates when a creature dies near me you see a liil wisp/soul cloud leave there body and land in senguris hand.
  Write about what happened before “The Campaign”
  You don’t have to answer all of these, this is just for help brainstorming:
  Did you go on any adventures before this? Do you have any people you know in the town you’re from? Know of any suspicious activity/ rival/ danger somewhere near or far? Did you celebrate/ have any huge successes? Did you lose something of great importance? Did something mysterious/ unknown happen to you or you heard about it? What did your parents do before this? What are you trying to accomplish, made progress towards? What struggles/ flaws does your character currently have that they will have to try and overcome?
  He was wild and undisciplined as a youngster, but then realized the error of your ways. Senguri was set upon a monastery and became a monk as a way to live a life of discipline. While in the monastery he was seen differently and strange to the other children for his interest in the way of death studies. Senguri sought instruction to gain a deeper understanding of existence and your place in this world by the elders. But was told he must study a bit longer before he is ready for his journey. Senguris parents were Llama farmers but before that his father was a gladiator in a big city. His struggles are that he is generally curious about the world because he hasn't seen any big cities in general or hasn't had any big fights since he was a child. His only major accomplishment was that when he succeeded his studies on the way to the long death he was given his bandanna around his neck from his master Dabur Tushtooth, another half orc.

half orc monk

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Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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