Pirate Princess Lyra Rodriguez Character in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Pirate Princess Lyra Rodriguez

Princess Lyra Rodriguez, the young Tiefling heiress to the Pirate Queen, is a shadow dweller with an enigmatic presence. With her golden eyes and fiery red hair, she stands out, but she prefers to remain unnoticed, lurking in the darkness like a watchful observer. Her crimson skin and unique appearance make her an outsider in the orphanage where she resides, but Lyra has embraced her skills in stealth and manipulation.   Despite her young age, Lyra excels in manipulating others, often using her cunning and quick wit to outsmart her peers. She has an uncanny ability to blend into the shadows, striking swiftly and leaving no trace when necessary. This skill, combined with her inherent Tiefling abilities, grants her a mysterious edge in any situation.   Living in the orphanage separated from her parents, the Pirate King and Queen, Lyra feels the longing to reunite with her family and uncover the truth about her heritage. Her devotion to Selûne, the Moonmaiden, drives her to find her own path and claim her destiny as a shadow manipulator and future ruler of The Crimson Corsairs.   Despite the challenges she faces in fitting in with other children, Lyra remains patient, resourceful, and quick-thinking. She enjoys observing others unnoticed and tracing patterns when lost in thought. She is known for her ability to learn from her failures and adapt, becoming a formidable force even at a young age.   Princess Lyra's journey is filled with intrigue, hidden truths, and the desire to protect her loved ones from harm. As she continues to hone her shadow-dwelling skills, she finds solace in the night sky and the celestial bodies that guide her way. Through darkness and shadows, she seeks her place in the world and her role as a future leader of The Crimson Corsairs.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is very nimble, graceful, and agile.

Body Features

She has a pointed tail, small horns on her forehead, pointed half elf like ears.

Facial Features

She has high cheekbones, a pointed chin, and gold-rimmed eyes that glow ommonously when hiding.

Identifying Characteristics

She has crimson skin and fiery red hair.

Physical quirks

Slips into shadows to observe her surroundings unnoticed.

Special abilities

She has some Inherent tiefling abilities, including the abiity to cast darkness and the use of devil's sight.

Apparel & Accessories

Dark, flowing clothing that helps her blend into shadows.

Specialized Equipment

A small dagger hidden in her boot for self-defense.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mastering stealth and agility, honing her skills in observation and information gathering.

Failures & Embarrassments

Struggling to fit in with other children in the orphanage due to her unique appearance.

Mental Trauma

Experiencing a sense of loneliness and longing to reunite with her family.

Morality & Philosophy

Lyra believes in striking from the shadows to protect her loved ones and outwit her enemies.

Personality Characteristics


To reunite with her family and protect them from harm, learn more about her heritage and become a skilled shadow manipulator.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is an expert in stealth and subterfuge, less skilled in open confrontation.

Likes & Dislikes

Lyra enjoys observing others unnoticed, dislikes attention drawn to herself.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is a quick thinker, patient, and extremely resourceful.

Vices & Personality flaws

She prone to moments of self-doubt and emotional isolation.

Personality Quirks

She traces patterns on surfaces when lost in thought.


Lyra keeps herself clean and tidy despite her rogue lifestyle.



Yet to claim her rightful title as a ruler of The Crimson Corsairs.

Social Aptitude

She is introverted, and often prefers to be alone or with close allies.


Lyra lurks in the shadows, moves with grace and silence.

Hobbies & Pets

She enjoys studying the night sky and celestial bodies. Hoping to learn the navigation insights of the stars.


Speaks in a soft and alluring voice, carefully choosing her words to convey her intentions.

Wealth & Financial state

Moderate wealth inherited from her family, but treasures her abilities more than material possessions.
Current Status
Princess and heir to the Pirate Queen, living in an orphanage
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess Lyra Rodriguez, Daughter of the Pirate Queen
Date of Birth
5th of Martius, 2634
Year of Birth
2624 18 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Lyra's birth came as a result of a romance between the Pirate King and Queen, leading to their separation and her placement in an orphanage for safety.
The Black Vengeance
Elegant and mysterious
Golden, almond-shaped, slightly narrowed, observant
Fiery red, waist-length, often tied in a loose braid, silky texture
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Crimson red with a subtle iridescent shimmer, no blemishes
4 feet 8 inches
90 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The shadows hide both secrets and strength."
Worshiper of Selûne, the Moonmaiden
Known Languages
She speaks the common tounge, infernal and theives' cant.
Character Prototype
She is the elusive, shadow-dwelling rouge.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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