Forn'Andigos Mountains Geographic Location in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Forn'Andigos Mountains

The Forn'Andigos mountains are the main mountains located on the Continent of Renstrom. It is surrounded by the Squamata Lowlands, Ghar'mool Deluge, and the Taunt Wadi. The mountains are sacred to all the citizens that live on the continent. The Squamata Nomads see this area as a sacred dangerous place. Their ancestors sealed away a great danger deep within the depths of the mountain known as the Forn'Andigos Underdark. The tribe that sealed the great evil away was known as the Forn'Andigos Tribe lives on in myth and legend. Some scholars from Kragos belive the tribe is still alive and is still fighting the great evil in the depths of the Forn'Andigos Underdark. However, the Squamata Nomads believe their ancestors spirited their fighting spirit to seal the mountains and those that remained became the humans that live in Kragos.   There are three major settelments that surround these mountains and two rival forces with a neutral reside around them as well. The human civilization known as the Kingdom of Kragos controls the eastern side of the mountains and the Continent of Tauntail. The western side of the mountains are controled by The Taurs Dynasty, however they only control the territory around the settlement Forn'Adow as the Squamata Nomads freely travel and claim home to the lands of the southern region of the continent. As for the north western side of the mountains it is controled by the creatures of the region.
Mountain Range

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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