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The Fall of Magic

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


An end to the Age of Dawn, this event changed the course of history across the continent of Latiss. The magic that had once sustained the human civilizations -- those of the Eastern Arm region in particular -- was suddenly gone. Cities fell into ruin and the growing Cynian Empire in particular was shattered and shrunk until it occupied only the easternmost territory of the continent.

After the Arch-Fey Titania and Oberon turned their human followers into elves as a reward for their service and devotion, a war broke out between the newly formed species and the humans. Wishing to end things peacefully, rather than in genocide, the elves left the human-ruled lands and set out to populate The Uncharted West.   What no one at the time had realized was that Titania and Oberon had used a lot of power from the weave to create their new species, subsequently stripping much of it from the humans they hadn't turned. As anyone who understands the flows of magic will agree, the weave is strongest where there are more mages. In leaving, the elves had taken much of the world's magic with them.   Slowly at first, then more quickly as the remaining human mages died out, the great cities of the humans began to fall into ruin. Much knowledge and technology was lost and many people died with the sudden lack of support from the magic that they had come to rely upon so heavily. History was erased and the people of Latiss were scattered.

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