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The wolf-like demi-humans of Latiss. Proud and loyal beings, the weight of Cynian rule is one they resent being forced to bear. Known for being great hunters and fierce warriors, the vargis are often looked on with a measure of fear by humans. They are not as violent as some would have one believe, however, and pride themselves on their ability to work well in groups.

Basic Information


Much like the felin, vargis are on the more bestial end of the demi-human appearance scale. Unlike the felin, however, their limbs are shaped more like those of humans. Tail and head shape aside, a vargis's body would pass quite well for human with its fur shaved off.   The muscles of a vargis are suited well for running long distances and bulk up rather easily, and their nails more closely resemble claws if allowed to grow out naturally. Their fur is known for being thick with a soft undercoat, particularly in winter, and can range in colour from white to black and any shade of brown.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Requiring more protein than other demi-humans, the vargis are dependent on a meat-heavy diet. While vegetation can and should be mixed into the diet whenever available, it will only make up a small portion of any meal. Due to the unreliability of hunting for bringing in fresh meat every day, preservation techniques are employed judiciously in combination with clever stew-making in order to make a kill stretch much farther than it would otherwise. While capable of eating meat nearly raw, this is not common practice.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The vargis, much like wolves, are a pack species and very territorial. Based around the structure of families, a pack can have anywhere between 5 and 30 members, with parental figures acting as a council of governance to lead the group as a whole. Because the vargis are very conscious of their impact on the surrounding environment, a single pack will not have more than ten mated pairs. Childbearing is carefully planned in order to ensure there isn't too much of a burden placed on either the pack or the territory, and the raising of children is something the entire pack takes part in.   Teens will often strike out to form their own packs once they prove themselves capable of surviving. Either unstaked territory is claimed or existing hunting grounds are fought over. Rarely, teens who leave their parents' pack may join another established pack.

Facial characteristics

A vargis' face is nigh indistinguishable from that of a wolf. Perhaps the only difference would be in the muzzle: while long, it is still shorter than a wolf's and is better internally equipped for the more civilized practice of chewing food with one's mouth closed. They are also capable of a greater range of facial expressions than wolves.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Much like wolves, the vargis have an exceptional sense of smell and an expanded hearing range. They also have better night vision.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Hunt and the sanctity of the pack are the two great pillars of vargis culture. Each stands to support the other. Just as the Hunt provides for the pack, the pack protects its territory in order to maintain the Hunt sustainably. To that end, every member of the pack is taught to fight from a young age.   It is believed that, upon death, the vargis will join the Great Hunt in the afterlife. Thus, everything done in life is in preparation for this Great Hunt. If the wise Freya deems them worthy, one is allowed to join the Great Hunt. Those deemed unworthy are reincarnated, to try and prove their worth again.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The tenets of the Hunt are as follows:  
  1. The Hunt is in service of the pack. Hunting simply for the sake of pleasure, such that it causes waste or unnecessary harm is forbidden and punishable by excommunication and possibly injury.
  2. Never leave prey to suffer. If in the Hunt one's quarry is grievously injured, it is the duty of the hunter to end the prey's suffering as quickly as possible. If a creature is injured in error, it falls to the one who caused the injury to ease its pain, whether through care or a swift death.
  3. Take no more than is needed. In the Hunt, one must always be conscious of the pack's needs and limits. Nothing should go to waste, lest the spirit of the kill is disrespected and the balance of the territory is undone.
  4. Seek Perfection. To be worthy of the Hunt, each hunter must strive to be their greatest self. The worth of the pack is held by its weakest member.

Common Taboos

One does not betray the pack. Direct betrayal, such as attacking a fellow packmember with intent to kill, and indirect betrayal, such as causing lasting harm to the environment of the territory, are treated as equally grave offenses.


The lifestyle of the vargis in the west has changed little over the centuries. They hunt and maintain their territories, protecting their packs and their lands as they always have. While they rarely come to practice magic themselves, they live relatively peacefully beside their Fey and elvish neighbours. Metallurgy is one practice they have adopted, however, finding it a boon to aide in the Hunt.   The vargis in the East were hardly affected by The Fall of Magic, and the aftermath only gave their young more territory to claim for their own packs. Being territorial by nature, they would not give up their lands easily, even when Cynia began its re-expansion. Many small wars were fought over the territories of the vargis as the kingdom spread its borders, and many lives were lost. Now, despite their desperately dwindled numbers and no longer holding any territory, the vargis continue to live in packs. Joining the caravans of the Roving May, the vargis of the east have come to expand their definition of "the pack".
80 years
Average Height
5'7" - 6'9"
Geographic Distribution
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Related Ethnicities


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