World of arsteria Imperial Trading Edict

Imperial Trading Edict

Diplomatic action


Imperial King Gunuan had a vision of a more unified Empire. One that could be safe from both invaders and the dangers of the night.

With Gunuan having taken the throne from a horrible tyrant, by the end anyway, his next moves were dictated with care and consideration. One of the key features of this was the following Trading Edict that sought to boost trade between the Empires Kingdoms and Settlements.  The years under viltran were of little help to the concept of imperial unity on a person to person level, however the nobles still saw a benefit for the cooperation and remained in the fold. Conflicts between kingdoms had started to escelate and were nearly on to full scale wars.  Gunuan wished to avoid the further conflicts and unite the people under a single image. Gunuans first acts were creating an incentive for merchants to trade with cities of the neighboring Kingdoms. These cities would be of a fitting settlements and would, assumedly, have drawn a number of other organizations and the like.

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