Gigantious Coleoptious Species in World of Arsteria | World Anvil

Gigantious Coleoptious

The Gigantious Coleoptious, otherwise known as the giant beetle, are known to occupy the region known as the The Hestria Desert, and make up a majority of the dominant speices within the lands. These beetles are bigger than a herd of Dulaphants, and house fully occupied cities along their gigantic carapace. The creatures have a life of their own, travel, herd smaller beasts, and commune with the cities through members of the church of coleopics, a people who have built their entire being around the concept of working with nature to surive the wastes of the desert.

The beetles, massive as they are, have a chitin associated with them that is harvested by the cities along their back. Collecting the huge amounts of excess that shed from the being bodies as they travel through the sands. The chitin that is collected is used in space of the metal that would otherwise be used to make Armor, Defenses for Travel Worms, and small items like sheers and utensils. The beasts themselves are apparently happy to have a their bodies constantly scraped of the excess chitin that grows, it allegedly feels very relieving and helps to increase the strength of the material over the generations.

To that end, the beasts have become a central part of the societies of the desert. Those that don't live atop their backs, the villages that spill out from the spouts of water and small bits of trees, treat these creatures as things to be revered. Seeing one is said to be a blessing, especially if one comes across them in the light of the many moons. Certain traits are said to be associated with people capable of communing with the beasts naturaly, these are blessings on the people associated with them.


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