Fourteenth Gehenian Troop Military Formation in World of Arsteria | World Anvil

Fourteenth Gehenian Troop

Late into the second battle involving The Empire of Five Kings and the Abyssal Dragon Campaign , a Troop from the primary Gehenian Corps were separated and trapped far beyond access from the primary forces. Normal situations and doctrine would state that the troop was to ensure the removal and destruction of all technologies and magical items, keeping them from falling into the hands of the corrupted heroes and other demons leading the assaults. Instead, the Fourteenth Gehenian Troop fought their way back through enemy lines and was able to regroup with the primary regiment, somehow having managed to recover a number of other soldiers and officers, many of whom had gone missing during the encounter that had separated the troop originally. Fourteens service and dedication later earned them the title of "The Arrowheads", notably for their use of artillery magic to shatter the line of defense and split the forces. Their actions helped to rally the early days of the campaign. Monuments to their service and lives still stand in several of the Empires Kingdoms, and even more surprising, in some of the Empires most hated opponents. Their honorable actions having earned them a place in the annals of history and military service.



1x Heavy Squad (Artillery) - 16 soldiers
  • 4x Arcanists (light)
  • 8x Arcanists (Heavy)
  • 4x Arc-trained Soldiers (Short Defense)
  • 2x Light Squad (Calvary) - 14 Soldiers
  • 4x Coarsel Knight (Scouting)
  • 4x Coarsel  Knight (Defense)
  • 6x Horse Knight (Heavy)
  • Under command of Knight Lieutenant Arshvel of House Domicorta .


    Tradition/Doctrine for campaigns would have a train of soldiers carrying supplies as a requisite for operations using a Troop, however in this instance the order was disregarded as circumstances were strained.    Aside from the usual uniform that each soldiers is assigned, a weapon for personal defense and a short ranged sidearm for secondary defense.  Arcanist equipment is as follows: 1x Corps uniform with designations and Medals 2x Armor & Weapons of denoted Rank 1x Survival Pack (7 Days) 1x Healers Pack (4 Cleric Gewels, Bandages, etc..) 1x Arc Bandolier (7 Charged Gewels)   Calvary Equipment is as Follows: 1x Corps Uniform with Designations and Medals 2x Armor & Weapons of Denoted Rank 1x Survival Pack (10 Days) 2x Healers Pack 1x Ardwell Gun (Flare Gun) 7x Ardwell Rounds (Red, Blue, or Purple)


    The Fourteenth Gehenian Troop was originally founded as a defensive measure against the increasing number of artillery threats being posed by the Arcanists of the Void Expanse, however after their resounding defeat the Military Corps retained the soldiers and their original goal and began to use them to similar effect as the Void Expanse Soldiers had. This largely turned the idea of Calvary/Artillery from a desired position, into a demanded position.   From then on, Artillery played a larger and larger role in the growing fields of conflict. Often situations were merely skirmishes in the outskirts of larger settlements, or in country sides of kingdoms against lesser threats, however in each situation Artillery and Calvary would make up the decisive answer to problems. Eventually the size, scope, and scale of threats were beginning to outweigh normal infantry alone, and thus it was decided that each Corps would be reinforced with at least two additional troops of Artillery/Calvary, on top of the extent Engineering and Arc forces.   The Fourteenth Gehenian Troop was assembled using conscription and levies, pulling soldiers from around the empire and sections of its distant colonies beyond the geographic borders. Tasked with maintaining sections of the Imperial Western Front, the Gehenian troop frequently found fighting in the footholds around the western side of the front, largely from an area completely revolted with the Empire's work and treatment for generations past. This would relegate them to more of a policing role, helping to maintain the order and put down growing threats. This would change when three former heroes, corrupted by the Abyssal Dragon, lead a charge against a valley entrance into the Western Front. Alone and without aid, the Fourteenth were trapped after having been a part of a devastating loss for the Empire. As a distraction before the Three Heroes would charge, a small but powerful force of elder Demons launched a strike on the eastern side of the controlled front, and forced numerous of the Corps stationed within to alter position. One such Corps was the Fourth Bismuth Corps, which was deployed to assist in mitigating the civilian casualties that were likely going to take priority as the fighting would continue. Orders were given to evacuate the nearby villages and towns, however this had been part of the Elder Demon's plans and the Corps walked itself into a trap. The Fourteenth Troop was one of the few troops to actually have survived the encounter with minimal losses, and then went on to aid in the recovery and reestablishment of The Bismuth Corps. These actions would lead to the rallying of the Defenders and their eventually routing of the enemy forces.

    The Battle of the Glowing Sands.

    On the Ninth of Ildradect, 718, the Imperial Western Front was experiencing something of a peacetime. A fact that all officers and soldiers alike found rather surprising, given the fighting had been raging for some time and the dangers of the Desert Sea were still well in sight line. The fog in the morning was a surprise, as the local lakes rarely got to the temperature to produce the mist, even on the best of days. Early Scouts were reporting back with calls of a clear day and little movement. Indeed, it was well into the eleventh hour of light that the first signs of danger actually appeared. Drawn to the front of a massing of demons, four Elders of horned heads and fiery nostrils, gave the order for the mass of demons to assault the keeps and slaughter all within. The attack was far too choreographed and gave the defenders far too much time to react before the charge. By the time the first Demon's legs had touched the Western Fronts soil, soldiers and Arcanists were already stationed and readying their weapons. The early conflict was brutal and bloody, as all first contacts with the Abyssal Demons end up being.   The Fourteenth Gehenian Troop, under the command of Knight Lieutenant Arshvel Domicorta, was given the order to assist in civilian management. Their instructions were to travel throughout the surrounding countryside and assist in rallying troops or carting civilians back to the keep for safety. However, when the Fourteenth Troop left the keep, a massive explosion ripped apart the stone and front battle line. The explosion knocked out a number of the defenders and killed even more. Fourteenth was beyond both the walls and lethal zones, but were still subject to the outcome and a number of the Arcanists and Calvary were injured or shaken. Arshvel Domicorta, using the command he'd been given, rallied the troop and set them back on their task of finding the civilians in the surrounding areas. This would prove to be fruitless, though, as the demons had taken the opportunity and element of surprise to eliminate a majority of settlements in the area. They were, however, able to recover a fair few soldiers and commanders, until they had managed to reassemble a small force to retake the Keep. Under the command of Arshvel, the troop and its subsequent companion sections, launched a retaliatory strike and removed the Elder Demon forces from the Keeps upper floors. After the ordeal, the Fourteenth Gehenian Troop was renamed the "Arrowheads", as well as being given their own special designation and monuments being created in their honor.
    Overall training Level
    Assumed Veterancy
    Parent Formation


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