Lord of Light Organization in World of Arith | World Anvil

Lord of Light

There is a growing Faith in Caldonia which worships the Lord of Light. Not named, this Lord of Light is considered the greatest of Gods and the followers of the Light consider him to be beyond the other gods. The Sun Fane of Arvanor is an example of the followers of the Lord of Light. Most who follow the Lord of Light seek to replace the Pantheons with his worship. On the Golden Coast, he is called the Lightbringer, or sometimes the Lorebringer. In lands where the Lord of Light gains control, other religions are banned and persecuted.   There are different sects of the Lord of Light, though no one knows if they follow the same Lightbringer, or will they eventually clash over whose Faith is the correct interpretation.     "And in his desire to conquer not just the world, but all reality, Pharaoh turned from the Light and embraced the Darkness. His Infinity Coil summoned and consulted with all the Fiends of Creation. In his arrogance, he channeled powers no mortal was able to control, and in a grand explosion of magic, the lush green lands of his empire became dust and desert. His people destroyed.   "Even the Gods were unable to stop his folly, and Ra gathered all of the Gods of Khepnefera together. They pooled their divine power into Ra and became the Lord of Light. The Lord of Light alone was able to protect those Khepneferans of good heart."   So that particular cycle goes. The descendants of Khepnefera believe that the Lord of Light, or the Lightbringer chose a mortal woman to spread word of this new faith. The teachings of the Lorebringer spread throughout the Dustbowl and into the lands which fallen Khepnefera had subjugated.   The Nordic version tells of Loki tricking Baldur and subsequently causing the god's death, but Baldur was resurrected as something greater and became the Lord of Light. The Olympian version is that Apollo, finally fed up with the abuses of Zeus, rallied the other gods and became the Lord of Light. Other versions and similar myths abound.   The followers of the Lord of Light are known as the Illuminated. They refuse to give one particular name or even an image to the Light, and even scoff at the theory that the Lord of Light is a sun god of some sort. The Light represents life, truth, wisdom, and radiance. Their symbol is a sunburst.   The Lord of Light's domains are Knowledge, Life, and Light. Priests are encouraged to use bludgeoning weapons such as clubs, maces, hammers, flails and morningstars over weapons that shed blood, but there is no direct prohibition against the use of blades, spears or the like.


The church of the Light is known as the Illuminated or Illuminati. Those who channel the divine might of the Lightbringer tend to be clerics and paladins.

Cosmological Views

The Afterlife

The Faithful believe that after death, an enlightened soul merges with the Lord of Light, becoming part of the God. Those who haven't reached a stage of enlightenment worthy of this honor are instead reborn to attempt the journey again.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Relations with Other Faiths

Despite being one of the youngest faiths in Arith, the Illuminated's relationships with other faiths range from patronizing to hostility. While some Illuminated sects live side by side with other faits, some view the followers of the Pantheons as primitive for not having moved on to the Lightbringer. In some places, the Illuminated oppose Pantheists for keeping alive these outdated faiths.   There is even less accord with the followers of the Old Faith or Green Faith. The Old Faith's focus on the natural world has no place in the Illuminated's view. While the two faiths don't overlap in any way, the Illuminated consider the Old Ways their greatest rival.
Religious, Organised Religion
The Illuminated


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