Adventurer's in Tarnauld in World of Arith | World Anvil

Adventurer's in Tarnauld

As the trading center of the Northern Kingdom, Tarnauld has much to offer adventuring bands.    


Where there's trade, there are warehouses, caravans, and ships to be protected. Tarn-Traders hire able guards, bodyguards, caravan masters, and the like frequently. If that isn't enough, the city watch and the Northern Army are always looking for brave men and women proficient with weapons.  


Those of a religious bent find Tarn's as a whole aren't very religious. The largest temple to the Olympian Gods is in Dawnside, while Noordenport still boasts an old Temple of the Nordic Gods. Most "worship" is done at small shrines to the individual gods of either pantheon scattered throughout the city. The guildhall for the Order of Metalsmiths has a shrine to Hephestus, while many merchant houses have shrines to Hermes, Tyche, or Athena. Sailing halls often have shrines to either Poseidon or Njord.  


Dawnside hosts the local chapter of the Arcanum, while Newcoin is home to the Prismatic Order. The Kithrodian Academy is a well-known bardic college located in Dawnside as well. Several smaller schools of magic exist throughout the city, but most arcanists in Tarnauld subscribe to the older Master-Apprentice model. Especially among the wealthy, it is considered better to hire a mentor to teach a descendent magic than to divide that family member's loyalties between an arcane order and the family.  


Tarnauld is the center of commerce in the Westlands, and where there's coin, there are those who would relieve that coin from the masses. Through cons and outright stealing, Tarnauld has much to do for the enterprising rogue. There are rumors of at least one thieves' guild, but there are likely more than one. The Veiled Society from Hawkmoon certainly has a chapter in Tarnauld, though they have so far kept their presence quiet. In Vanderstaad and Fisher's Point, gangs rule the streets at night. Even with all of these opportunities for larceny, many rogues use their talents above-board, for those talents can make a person a fortune without any of the legal ramifications of the shadow path.


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