Oraniri Species in Wonders of Ora'a | World Anvil


Oraniri are the numerically superior species on Manaeyra. The origins of their cultures can be traced back up to 8000 cycles before the Shard, where the first characters and letters were invented. Back then, the Oraniri lived a nomadic life organized in small clans and survived by hunting and gathering. Due to their increasing population they started settling in various locations, confronting them with new problems. However, it turned out that they are very adaptable and creative as a people, enabling them to thrive on challenging life conditions. Some uniquely skilled individuals even managed to reach mastery in their profession. So, there are proud warriors, which could even match with the strongest warriors of the Varaz, as well as highly sensitive mental acrobats, whose teachings and pieces of wisdom are second to none until this day.   About 0,1% of the Oranir population even developed an extraordinary myotic capability after the impact of the big Shard, while another part still has no sense of the myotic flow at all.

Basic Information


Oraniri have a humanoid body shape with two arms, two legs and, of course, a head on top.

Genetics and Reproduction

Oraniri reproduce through hermaphroditic sexual intercourse (allogamy) involving a male and a female partner. Males are fertile all the time, while females undergo a monthly cycle that prevents conception for about 5 days a month. There are no specific reproduction periods. In case of a pregnancy, which usually lasts about 8 months and produces one child at a time (in rare cases up to 4 children), the females carry out the offspring.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Most Oraniri have flat noses, but more distinct shapes are also quite common in some regions, as well as pointy ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Oraniri have spread all over the continent Manaeyra and adapted their way of life to various habitats.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent and sentient species.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Every Oranir has basic sensory organs (much like humans), including ears, eyes, a tongue and a touch sensitive skin. About one third of the population has also developed myotic abilities, with tendency to rise
75-80 cycles (up to 120 cycles are possible)
Average Height
1,50 - 2,20 meters
Average Weight
60 - 130 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tones: orange/brown, blue/violet/lilac, green/turquoise (pale colors with slightly darker patterns) Hair colors: white-grey, brown, dark blond, black and reddish are most common, but other color tints can also appear.

Cover image: Oraniri Species Header by Maximilian Bezold


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