Throntrit Settlement in Witren | World Anvil
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Throntrit is the most prominent city in Hidel supporting four different courts of magic families in the center. The following families of mages, House Rebel, House Feht, House Cleo, and House Sparrow, fill these courts in a compass like fashion - N, E, S, W. Additionally, each house doesn’t have crests, and instead use playing card motifs - Hearts, Spades, Clubs, and Diamonds in that order.

Each house owns their own region of the city, in their respective cardinal direction. To keep things simple, the regions are named after their card. In the center of the four regions, lies the city's capital building.


House Rebel and the Heart Region: These wizards and sorcerers pride themselves on sharing their passion through their works, whether it be through a flaming hot fireball or an icey shard to their art. Whether it be dancing on the stages in their own Major Theatres using Illusion magic to improve shows, or conjuring objects and people out of thin air, these Wizards love being flashy. For backstage effects, House Rebel employs fellow Evocation wizards, for the pyrotechnics. For their guardsmen and women, they employ sorcerers blessed by storms and dragonkind, which are led by wizards adept in War.

  House Feht and the Spade Region: Known for their quick wit and backwater dealings, House Feht raises the dead; for a price, that is. If you’re lucky enough to meet one of the Feht, and happen to be one of non magical skills, they might fleece you of your gold to make your weapons stronger. Some of these members like to rely on their quick sword skills, singing into their blades as they trounce battles. Among their ranks lie sorcerers that are adept at information gathering, such as those born with Abberants or Shadows. Though most of the practices they do are frowned upon by the public, House Feht has strong loyalty to itself, and being a member of this society guarantees personal comforts and luxury.

  House Cleo and the Club Region: Cleo focuses on the three C’s - Courtesy, Class, and Clams. Most of the Cleo tradition use clams for their divination, specifically old sea shells. As such, a large quantity of Divination wizards from this house. To gather funding, they put their Transmutation based wizards to work, so that the region can thrive just as much as the others. Cleo act as the city guard, bringing law to the lands, as much as their can be. Speaking of C’s, House Cleo employs sorcerers blessed by order. Those called “Clockwork Souls” are often employed here.

  House Sparrow and the Diamond Region: Focusing on time, efficiency, and unmatched power, the Diamond region is the center of knowledge for the city. Numerous powerful Abjuration wizards live here, making libraries for the other houses, and for themselves. Sparrow trades in information, but does not hesitate to tread the unknown, making them the cutting edge of modern magic. Recently, they’ve discovered how to manipulate time, to some small degree, as well as gravity. This has tipped the scales in Sparrows favor as of late, and the current Arch Magus, Tyrion, is a Sparrow lord. Under their employ, especially for experiments, lie sorcerer’s born with an unnatural gift to make things wild, as well as sorcerers blessed by divine nature.


Cover image: by Jonathan Guzi


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