Goblin Gunglomerate Organization in Winds of Uranus | World Anvil

Goblin Gunglomerate

    The Orc Warhorde's manufacturing base is primarily managed and directed by goblins that sought refuge from constant violence in the name of entertaining their warbosses. Once they realized that industrial accidents hurt less than death by orc, it wasn't a tough sell. Still, that move was out of necessity and often chafes whenever goblins hear how the other small races are living.
    Never let it be said that orc ships aren't at least effective. Industrial in the sense that they run on gasoline, coal, and other crude sources, orc ships spout smoke and sputter flame as they tear across the sky. These pragmatic design influences can be seen from a distance, from these ships’ patchwork design and uneven hulls, to deep inside, where a Dark Matter core is barely kept stable. Despite its shortcuts, even a small group of orc ships constitute a fearsome fighting force, battle-tested in the Orc Warzone and ready for carnage.
    Other goblinoids, including bugbears, goblins, and gnolls, also tend to tend to use orc ships, making them a catch-all set of vessels for raiders and warlords everywhere.
Guild, Craftsmen
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization


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