Siege of Sol Meridia Military Conflict in Windrule | World Anvil
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Siege of Sol Meridia

It's one thing to fight against a regular regiment and a completely different thing to fight armed citizenry determined to defend their land and rights with whatever weapons they could muster. They may not be skilled or well-equipped, but there are many of them. The mob just keeps coming at you from all sides no matter how many times you shoot at it, and there is not a single safe place to rest at. At Sol Meridia, Ardenians learned it the hard way.
The Siege of Sol Meridia is a name given to a failed invasion of Sol Meridians by the forces of the Ardenian Empire. A large fleet carrying several imperial regiments was sent to capture the strategically located island from the Kingdom of Eire. While it could not go through the main port due to heavy fire from the forts protecting it, the island was promptly blockaded, and the soldiers landed on the other side of the island, establishing a foothold. With Eirish garrison forced to retreat from the enemy and their fleet trapped in their own harbour, Governor Bradley Gollanhad made a bold decision and appealed to the influential communities of the island.   Those communities were offered significant liberties in return for committing their men and ships to the island's defences. He went through with it on his own accord as the Sol Meridia's governor, without the High King's approval, and signed what is known as the Gollanhad's Pact. From there on, the tables had turned and the Ardenian forces were pushed back by the militia made up from most of the Sol Meridia's able men as well as the remains of the garrison. At the same time, numerous merchant ships had engaged in naval battle alongside the Eirish navy, causing losses significant enough for the enemy fleet to retreat. After a few more days of intensive fighting, the Ardenian invasion corps retreated from the island, leaving behind several thousand corpses of both the enemy and their own, and the burning sea filled with debris.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type

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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Conflict by Vertixico


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