Misty Falls Geographic Location in Windrule | World Anvil
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Misty Falls

It is said that if climb all the way to the top, you could see the edge of our world.
  One of the greatest wonders known to man, the Misty Falls would make anyone feel like a mere speck in comparison. It is a cascade of waterfalls of enormous size, miles wide and hundreds of meters tall. To even think of climbing it is seen as pure madness, as proven by stories of many brave explorers who have tried it before and perished. The Falls are estimated to bring down thousands of tons of water every minute, which hit the ground at high speed and covers the lands around for miles in its distinct mist.     The Misty Falls are crucial to the continent's ecosystem, forming many rivers and lakes that ultimately feed into the ocean. Everything blossoms that is touched by the Misty Falls' water, and the lands directly near the waterfalls are the most beautiful and bountiful in the whole world. It is only thanks to the Misty Falls that the Grand Sand Sea, an otherwise dull and deserted land, has prospered to the point of becoming the heart of the Ardenian Empire. Its importance to the Kosari culture cannot be understated.

Localized Phenomena

But it is not just earthly things that the Misty Falls bring. The Gracious Wind is at its strongest near the waterfalls, and can be barely felt in areas untouched by its waters. People say no monster or sorcerer would ever dare approach the waters on their own, for the Gracious Wind is believed to cleanse the world of all its magic. In fact, many people believe that the true source of local lands' prosperity and splendour is the Gracious Wind itself and not the Misty Falls, which merely bring the God's will to this world.   A few renowned explorers claimed to have made it all the way to the top of the Misty Falls, and have seen the lands beyond. According to them, the Gracious Wind quickly disappears away from the Misty Falls - even if one was to follow the waters feeding into the waterfalls. This is usually followed by conclusion that the Gracious Wind is born directly at the top of the Misty Falls. However, these claims are commonly disputed due to lack of evidence.    

Religious significance

The greatest temple in the world is the one built by hand of God, not man.
With the Gracious Wind widely worshipped as the embodiment of God's will, the Misty Falls unsurprisingly hold a pivotal role in all religions of Kosari origins. The church widely supports the theory of Gracious Wind's origin at the top of the Misty Falls. This means that the Falls themselves are sacred, the boundary between our world and God's own domain. They are a wall protecting our lands from Chaos and his corruption of magic. No man shall tread beyond the Misty Falls, for through them Chaos could find his way into our lands.   Countless pilgrims travel to the Misty Falls every day, seeking to be heard by God or go gain forgiveness for their sins. Pilgrims are meant to observe the waterfalls for days on end, praying and washing their bodies in the misty waters. On many occasions, important trials were held in direct vicinity of the Misty Falls as a way to summon God as supreme judge, especially trials for sorcery. And of course there are many omens and superstitions surrounding the falls, and thousands of ways to interpret every single item brought down by its waters and the significance it has on the future of our world.
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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Location by Vertixico


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