Vecna, The Whispered One Character in Wildemount | World Anvil

Vecna, The Whispered One

Vecna, aka The Whispered One, aka The Undying King, aka The Lord of the Rotted Tower, was a powerful mortal-born Archlich who achieved godhood.   Vecna appears as a gaunt husk of a man with weathered skin pulled taught against his skeletal frame. He wears tattered velvet robes with gold trim and adorns himself with lavish gems, baubles and other jewelry. Vecna's smile is unnerving to say the least, stretched wide and full of rotted, yellow teeth. His right eye is a pale blue that appears normal, while his left is just an empty socket constantly streaming sickly green magical energy upwards.   Vecna is arrogant, egotistical, and ambitious. From the beginning of his attempted ascension, he maintained a confident and condescending veneer that continued well after. Vecna treats those beneath him as insignificant pests, too unimportant to worry about. Despite this, he has proven to be cold, calculating and ruthless when it suits him. Vecna is easily able to manipulate people's greatest fears to his own benefit and enjoys it. He enjoys "playing with the toys" left by other gods beyond the Divine Gate to reshape Exandria to his liking.   One of the more powerful known underlings of Vecna is the Lord-God of Vampires, Kanchelsis, who has many of his own terrible plots spinning but will always answer the call of his master.


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